Introduction o Suffering is the first step and an essential part of the Paschal Mystery (at least in the narrow sense) o Emotional, physical, and spiritual pain are an inevitable part of being human o Strangely humans seek to avoid or escape or ignore suffering o The Paschal Mystery invites us to face, accept, and triumph over suffering o Good News: Jesus transforms suffering into a redemptive path to eternal life o Suffering is an opportunity to participate in Christ’s saving work o Three articles o (A. 38) – Making Sense of Suffering o (A. 39) -- Is Accepting Suffering a Sign of Weakness o (A. 40) – Finding Strength in Times of Suffering
Article 38: Making Sense of Suffering o Paradox of pain and suffering: Good God and Good People o Book of Job helps us make sense of this paradox of suffering o Perspective of Job’s friends vs. Job himself o Finite human minds cannot understand the mystery of God’s plan including suffering o But not completely incomprehensible either—Paschal Mystery opens door to understanding o Keys to comprehension o Not original plan but came in with Original Sin o Incarnation reveals that suffering is redemptive—sacrifice = suffering freely accepted o Participation in Christ’s 1 NT sacrifice; not many OT animal sacrifices o A way to fulfill our priestly munera received in Baptism o Wonderful example of Christian faith, hope, and charity—theological virtues o Practical examples of participating in Christ’s one redemptive sacrifice o Personal and other’s sickness & pain; popularity for truth, beauty, & goodness; money, time, and talent; conservation at personal cost; evangelization; sexuality;… others that speak to you… o As always, need prayer, Sacraments, self-reflection to accomplish in today’s world o Suffering in the Bible—Job, 2 Maccabees, Isaiah, Matthew, John, 2 Corinthians, 1 Peter, …
Homework o Read AA in the Paschal Mystery e-book for discussion Monday o Section 4, Part 2 HW; #’s 1-3 (at the end of A. 40)
Article 39: Is Accepting Suffering a Sign of Weakness o Karl Marx and Communistic Socialism o Not only do we try to avoid suffering but accepting it is seen as a sign of weakness o An age old question (1 Cor. 1: 18ff.)—the crucifixion of Jesus for Jews and Gentiles o Does it take more strength and courage to accept or avoid suffering? Where is the waste? o The example of Jesus especially in his last days—Garden of Gethsemene o Also during his entire life—preaching on the lost sheep, prodigal son and love of enemies; poor & simple life; challenged the rich to help the poor o “We have to love until its hurts. True love causes pain” --Mother Teresa-- o Anything worthwhile requires courage and sacrifice o Courage & sacrifice not enough; must be for truth, goodness, and beauty—Kingdom of God o Ex. of George Eastman--“My work is done, why wait” o “Athletes sacrifice for a crown that withers, how much more should we for one that does not?” --St. Paul— o St. Damien (of Molokai) de Veuster ( )--“Apostle to the lepers” o Born in Belgium; ordained; missionary to Hawaiian islands; volunteered for Molokai leper colony o Wretched conditions when arrived; transformed through pastor, counselor, builder, and undertaker o Contracted leprosy after 12 years; upset at first but accepted later; help quadrupled o Canonized in 2009 by Benedict XVI; patron saint of lepers and people with HIV/AIDS
Article 40: Finding Strength in Times of Suffering o Knowing that suffering makes sense and is not a sign of weakness helps but it is still difficult o Strength must come from God which builds upon some natural keys from Church tradition o We do not suffer alone—suffer with Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit o The Church, especially as the Body of Christ, is a sacrament of this solidarity o The Gift of the Holy Spirit & cardinal virtue (human) of fortitude along with prudence, justice, & temperance o Piety, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Wisdom, Fortitude (Courage), Fear of the Lord (Wonder & Awe) o Suffering is not the end of the story—resurrection to eternal life o Christians are not masochists however o Suffering is part of being human and always will be but we should try to diminish it o Suffering has a way of breaking down our radical independence o Ex. of Hurricane Ike in 2008 in Houston o St. Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-July, ) o Lost her parents young to small pox; partially blind and disfigured; converted from Algonquin and Mohawk by Jesuit missionaries; persecuted by her own tribe; exiled to Montreal 200 miles from Auriesville, NY; virgin; died at 24; first Native American saint
Homework o 4.2 HW; #’s 4-6 (at the end of A. 40) o Study for the Section 4, Part 2 Quiz tomorrow (AA ) o Make sure the Section 4, Part 2 Homework is ready to turn in tomorrow (#’s 1-6 at the end of A. 40)