Reduce Reuse Recycle Repeat Rejoice
History of Earth Day The first Earth Day was April 22, 1970 in the US with just a small group of people. It is a day to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.
This year is the 40 th anniversary of Earth Day!
Earth Day is now celebrated around the world!
Earth Day networks estimate that 500 million people from 4500 organizations in 180 countries will participate in Earth Day events this year!!
What does it mean to REDUCE?
Reduce means… USE LESS STUFF!
What do you mean? Use less water Take shorter showers, use plants in your garden that don’t need a lot of water, turn off water while you brush your teeth.
Use less energy – turn off lights when you leave a room, use energy efficient light bulbs, don’t leave appliances plugged in
Use less packaging Buying in bulk saves money and produces less trash
Repair things instead of throwing them away and buying new things.
Think before you buy – “Do I really need this?”
Earth Week CHALLENGE!! This week, we want to have less trash in the cafeteria. A NEW thing we’re doing this week is RECYCLING THE CAFETERIA TRAYS!!
The trays are made of POLYSTYRENE or STYROFOAM Just like a lot of other things.
Styrofoam lasts FOREVER in a landfill!
What’s a landfill? It’s where our trash goes.
But this week, we are RECYCLING our trays! Just put the uneaten food in the trash, And put the tray on the cart. It’s EASY!!
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha A Native American woman who is on her way to becoming the first Native American Saint. She is the patron saint of ECOLOGY. She loved all things about nature.
Blessed Kateri
Let us pray to Blessed Kateri to help us treat the Earth with kindness.