Early Start….. We leave Arnold Hill at That means that the bus will leave the Lower School bus terminus at If you arrive after this time then we will have left. For CTK people note the entrance to this is opposite the Arrow Public House on Gedling Road. You can park in the Community Centre car park for drop offs / pick ups.
Rest Stops We will stop on the way down and back up at motorway services. These are quick stops and not the chance in indulge in a 3 course meal. There will be a time when the coach leaves and we expect you to be ready to go again. Please note that services are not cheap. Note if the coach has a loo and the traffic is good we will go straight there to increase our time there.
Destination One– London Science Museum
What’s inside ? Launchpad is packed with over 50 interactive exhibits, plus electrifying shows and lively demos, all from the wonderful world of physics. Our history is embedded in the objects that we have invented, made and used. The Making the Modern World gallery displays a series of exceptional objects which mark new departures in technology and science – the events that have framed our world. What makes you smarter than a chimp?
On the move….. We will have an agreed time to meet at the front of the museum. Its then a 5 minute walk to South Kensington Tube Station. If you need a member of staff whilst in the museum please find an attendant as the museum will have our contact details.
On the move….. To get to the next location we will travel on foot. We’ll take you along the riverside through an area of immense development and investment where you will be able to experience the built environment and the change in the need of the capitals infrastructure.
London Underground We will split into 4 groups to travel on the tube. It is extremely important that you stay in the groups and follow all instructions by that member of staff. Few things to keep in mind though…..
Quick Guide…… Keep bags closed. Keep valuables not in pockets that people can get access to. Offer seats to older people Follow health and safety instructions Do not attract attention to yourself through being foolish.
Destination Two – London Design Museum
What’s inside ? Six design stories offer a diverse look at design tracing the history and processes of contemporary design. The show includes furniture, product, fashion, transport and architecture alongside a selection of prototypes, models and specially commissioned films. We will also be looking at the work of the designers in residence : Adam Nathaniel Furman, Eunhee Jo, Chloe Meineck and Thomas Thwaites. The Design Museum takes you into the world of fashion designer Paul Smith, a world of creation, inspiration, collaboration, wit and beauty. Celebrating his career to date and exploring future developments, the exhibition references Paul Smith’s influences and fashion designs, charting the rise of this quintessentially English label which has become one of the leading fashion brands in the world.
Sadly we must go home… We aim to leave London at about 5pm to return to Nottingham for about 9pm. We ask kindly that you ring your parents when we are 30 minutes away. We cannot go home until the last person has gone. Staff live close and far away and still have to travel home so help here is appreciated.
Safety Card - example London Trip Staff contact – Mr Bull ***** ****** London Design Museum – V&A Museum – AOT coaches – Arnold Hill School Christ The King School – Circle Line ( yellow ) Eastbound, South Kensington - Monument
Something to remember… Good behaviour on trips is important for everyone’s safety and for the reputation of the school. If there is any poor behaviour, it will be taken very seriously and dealt with accordingly.
FAQ’s I didn’t notice a lunch break ? We eat on the move / at the end of Science Museum. Can I get money whilst I am there ? Best to say not as we cannot guarantee access. Can I leave stuff on the bus ? Yes but left at your own risk. There is no risk from the driver by the way but others watch the bus parks. Can I buy food there ? At stops, at museums but we don’t intend to stop once there for food. What happens if I get lost ? You will have the contact card. Can I eat on the coach ? Fizzy drinks and sticky foods are not allowed. Whatever mess you make you have to tidy it before you can get off the coach at both ends so best not to make a mess to be honest. Is there a toilet on the coach ? We can always hope ! How much money should I bring ? A difficult one but £30…. What shall I wear ? Shall I bring a camera ? Definitely Can I go shopping ? Although we put on the letter whether you could be let loose in London, you will only have time to see the museums. It does allow you to chill outside the museums etc and look around rather than being attached to our side.