International Civil Aviation Organization FAOSD Programme Administrative and Programme Participation Terms & Conditions Roles and Responsibilities
2 Terms and Conditions Established foreign air operator surveillance programme Inspection standards according ICAO Annex and Guidance Docs (ICAO Doc 8335) Nomination of a National Coordinator Maximun of 5 additional staff to access the Programme may be nominated Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)
3 Terms and Conditions (con’t) Confidentiality of information Sharing of information among participating States/Administrations Have satisfactorily completed the training in operating the FAOSD Programme. Attend the periodic training courses, if any, from time-to-time Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)
4 Key Players APAC RO Technical Committee Deputy Regional Director (DRD) and Regional Officer, Flight Safety (RO/FS) Participating States National Coordinator Inspectors Database Administrator
5 Responsibilities – APAC RO Technical Committee Develop and implement a programme for the exchange of data on ramp safety inspections conducted within the APAC region ; Establish and maintain a secure website where the States participating in the programme may share data on ramp safety inspections; Specify the minimum hardware and software requirements to be met by the members participating in the FAOSD Programme; Establish robust mechanism to promote Quality Control and Quality assurance and ensure integrity of data collected; Establish the terms and conditions under which States may access and share the information contained in the databank; Submit the safety information to the Asia Pacific Regional Aviation Safety Team (APRAST) for analysis of the information collected by the programme; Advise States on changes to policies, if any; Amends this manual as necessary; Keep training programmes up-to-date; and Ensure this manual is available to the members participating in the Programme. Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)
6 Responsibilities – Participating States/Administrations Establish and implement a foreign air operator surveillance programme which is compliant with the guidance provided in ICAO Doc 8335 Participate actively in the FAOSD Programme, in accordance with their safety oversight programmes; Submit written request from Head of CAA/Administration nominating a National Coordinator and any personnel for access of the FAOSD Programme. Ensure that the personnel designated to access the FAOSD Programme have received the required training before operating the FAOSD programme; Communicate to the Technical Committee the name of the National Coordinator and keep it up-to-date; Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)
7 Responsibilities – National Coordinator Act as point-of-contact between the regulating authority of participating State/Administration and the APAC RO on matters related to the FAOSD Programme; Support the implementation of the FAOSD Programme in the State/Administration; Monitor the development of the oversight plan and make the necessary adjustments to ensure its implementation as foreseen by the Programme; Liaise with Inspectors who performed the inspection to ensure accuracy and consistency with information entry ; and Facilitate the administrative, technical and training issues associated with FAOSD Programme as specified in this manual in his/her State. Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)
8 Responsibilities – Inspectors The State Inspectors responsible for conducting ramp inspections on foreign air operators are expected to: conduct inspections in accordance with the State’s surveillance programme which is compliant with ICAO Doc 8335; submit the inspection reports to persons responsible for data entry into the FAOSD after the inspection is completed; and help ensure the accuracy of the data entered in the FAOSD. Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)
9 Amendment Process Amendments process to the Programme and User Manual: Review of propose changes - Technical Committee Approving Authority - Regional Director of the APAC RO Send Feedback to: Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)
10 FAOSD Programme Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)