Nothing is Impossible, The story of Beatrix Potter By Laura
Childhood Born on o She Lived on #2 Bolton Garden London o “ it is the most boring place know to man kind” o she spent most of her time, drawing and writing
Her bond to animals o She loved drawing animals o She put clothes on them o And she put furniture in there houses o Animals were her only friend
Her connection to the outdoor o Potter loved the outdoors as well as animals o She thought it equaled tranquility o And high-quality colors
Her marriage’s o she got married to Norman Warne o Then she got married to William Heelis
What was her dream? o her dream was to become a writer o Her first published book: the tale of Peter the rabbit
How did her life change after that? o She grew more well known through out the Untied Kingdom for her books o She bought her house in the hills of Scotland o Her garden was five kilometers long filled with animals
“Miss Potter” (the movie)
What Ib learner profile is she? o Beatrix was open minded o Beatrix was also caring
Did she make a difference in the community?
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