The Komi Republic (KR)is the subject of the Russian Federation, a part of the North-West Federal District. Area thousand sq. km. Population thousand people 8 cities and 12 districts in the KR Distance from Syktyvkar to Moscow is 1410 km. Syktyvkar is the capital of the KR. 1
The Komi Republic is the largest forestry area and has a huge potential. The goal is to reduce the amount of wood waste and use it as fuel. According to statistics, the annual amount of wood waste is t/year. According to expert estimates - not less than t/year. It is planned to construct 11 sites for temporary storage of wood waste in 10 municipalities of the KR ( ) In relation to these sites will be developed briquette / pellet production.
The Botanical Garden is the structural subdivision of the University, located within the city limits, in 4 km distance from the city center.The Botanical Garden was established in1974 г. The area is 31,95 ha. Scientific laboratorySeed –testing laboratory
. Scientific laboratory Seed –testing laboratory At present, the heating of scientific and seed-testing laboratories is carried out by a boiler, located in the building of the scientific laboratory. The total heated area is 300 sq. m. The cast-iron sectional boiler was installed in Due to the inability to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and regular operation of the boiler, is needed to replace and repair the heating system. 5
Existing problemsOption 1Option 2 The boiler has reached its life expectancy Installation of another boiler with forced air supply. Installation of the pellet boiler with automatic fuel supply Wear of heating systems and heating devices Replacement of heating main pipes, replacement of cast iron radiators for aluminum. Wear of collector and its insufficient capacity Reconstruction of the boiler with the installation of the collector, the installation of the expansion tank. Reconstruction of the boiler with the installation of the collector, the installation of the expansion tank Insufficient height of the chimney. Replacement of the horizontal and vertical section of the chimney. RESULTInvestment – rb. (6 487 EURO). Operational – rb. (3 109 EURO). «-»Efficiency – % (depends on the fuel humidity). «-» The use of wood fuel without pretreatment. «-» The manual loading. «-» Heating of buildings in existing infrastructure. Investment – rb. (9 257 EURO). Operational – rb. (2 500 EURO). «+» Efficiency– % «+» The use of more energy-intensive materials. «+» The automatic supply of raw materials. «+» The possibility of expanding the heating system and connection of new infrastructure. 1 EURO = 74 rub. 6
Criteria for modernization: 1)Providing a comfortable indoor temperature for the staff and visitors of the Botanical Garden. 2)Economic feasibility of use, with the prospect of expanding the infrastructure of the Botanical Garden and heating network. 3)Use of modern energy-saving technologies. 4)The presence of an educational element - ecological education of the population, promotion of bio-energy boilers. 5)State and regional priorities for bioenergy development. Based on these criteria, the second option is preferable. 7
. Pellet boiler Chimney Collector Aluminum heating devices Expansion tank Сirculation pump 8
. ActivityCost (rub)Cost, EURO 1. Design and planning Management of the project Equipment and materials: -purchase and delivery of boiler equipment - purchase and delivery of additional equipment - procurement and supply of materials for boiler room Construction and installation work: - assembling of boilers -arrangement of boiler room Training for staff Commissioning works Total investments EURO = 74 rub. 9
. Name and activity Before, rub./year (EURO/year) After project implementation, rub./year (EURO/year) Purchase of fuel (1 264) (2 500) Salary of workers for maintenance and repair of buildings (1 804)0 Transportation costs (41)0 Total (3 109) (2 500) After the project implementation and use of wood pellets, produced in the KR, operating costs will be reduced by rub./year (609 EURO /year), annual savings will be rub. (609 EURO). 1 EURO = 74 rub. 10
. Economic life10 years Payback period4,5 years The net present value (NPV) rb. (3 310 EURO) Internal rate of return (IRR)18 % Profitability Index (PI)1,2 1 EURO = 74 rb. 11
12 CONTACTS: Boos Anastasiya Mob.: Tyupenko Tatiana Mob