I can use a compass to draw and measure circles. I can describe relationships between angles created by intersecting lines.


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Presentation transcript:

I can use a compass to draw and measure circles. I can describe relationships between angles created by intersecting lines.

Make observations about your compass. Draw the largest and smallest circles you can draw with your compass. What is the radius of the largest circle. Any ideas for how you could make even larger circles?

The radius of a circle is any line segment from the center of the circle to any point on the circle. The diameter of a circle is any line segment that passes through the center of the circle and has its endpoints on the circle. In any circle, the diameter is twice the length of the radius, which also means the radius is ½ the length of the diameter If a circle has a radius of 2 inches, what is the diameter?_____________ If a circle has a diameter of 10 cm, what is the radius? ________________

Measuring line segments (Journal page 72 #1, 3-5) Drawing line segments of a specific length – SRB 165 (Journal page 72 #2)

Vertical Angles are equal Therefore angle A has the same measure as angle __________ Angle D has the same measure as angle ____________ What should all of these angles together add up to?

Adjacent angles are angles that are next to each other and share a common side. Identify adjacent angles and the side they share. What do you notice about the measures of adjacent angles? (don’t answer out loud) Math Journal page 73 – raise your hand to be checked.

SRB 32, 33, and 321

Math boxes, page 74; raise your hand to be checked. Homework: Study Link 3.5 Large compass with yarn and chalk, if time allows.