Educational Research Methodology Meaning-making framework: an Intervention research methodology Bronya Calderon
2 Educational Research …. the object of investigation for both researchers and practitioners Role of the framework is: To understand how to make changes in action Construct Use Share new Knowledge Meaning-making methodology provide a FRAMEWORK for To determine what kind of data and knowledge is needed for both to design the research and to develop the new activity. Informed Action Implement this new Knowledge in practice & Bronya Calderon Bronya Calderon
3 To improve or develop educational practice Implication for the Reseach Design : The context and practice is shaped by medional tools including Language Ethnographic, Social Semiotic Multimodality and Community of Practice Perspectives Explicit Aim CHAT Guided by CHAT Educatinal Research depends on Educational Practice Action Research 2 nd stage 1 st s t a g e Bronya Calderon
4 Meaning-making’ s analysis, A methodological framework: an Intervention research methodology How can I improve an understanding of my pedagogical practice with digital technologies whilst considering children as 'active cultural agents' ? Implication for the Research Question Explicit aim of improvement or develop Rol of the researcher Notion of a Intervention Type of practice Bronya Calderon Bronya Calderon
5 Activity context activity Social Semiotic & Multimodal Perspectives to get an holistic understanding of the signs, and meaning- making Ethnographic Perspectives to get an holistic understanding of the historical, cultural and social context Community of Practice Perspectives to find out the process of participation and meaning-making The logic of Enquiry - the methodology- 'Meaning-Making ' Framework CHAT Focus on: -The 'activity' as unit of analysis & - The context and the medional tools 1nd Fase Bronya Calderon
6 2nd Stage: An Intervention Design an Intervention A new practice: can consider change The contradictions (1st stage) are catalyst for change and expansive learning Why Action- Research? is more than a 'participatory learning' is action for change is cultural embeded knowledge construction As integracion of informed agency, action and context (Edwards,2000) Knowledge is: Constructed Used Shared Bronya Calderon