Company LOGO Translation: A Multifunctional Task BY: Dr. Rana Raddawi Assistant Professor of Translation and Communication Skills American University of Sharjah
Translation: Definition 1. The Science: descriptive Translations Studies (Holmes,1972) 1. The Science: descriptive Translations Studies (Holmes,1972) 2.The Practice: prescriptive (Munday,2001) 3.The Result (the product.)
Levels of Translation Linguistic level (Comparative Studies.) Translation serves Contrastive Linguistics: Linguistic Translation (Seleskovitch & Lederer,1986) Pedagogic level Translation is a means to teach or deepen language acquisition: Pedagogic Translation Professional level Translation is an aim to bridge communication barriers between people with different languages: Professional Translation
Translation: product Translation: science Translation: operation Translation: Professional level Translation: pedagogical level Technology Translation &
Translation and Technology Word processing Drafting Editing Sending Publishing Word processing Drafting Editing Sending Publishing Documentation Etools for translation Machine-aided translation Machine translation Documentation Etools for translation Machine-aided translation Machine translation On line documents on Translation Studies: Books Essays Authors Databases Publishers On line documents on Translation Studies: Books Essays Authors Databases Publishers Science Operation Product
Translation and Technology Science Online course Documentation Publishers (John Benjamins/Routledge) Authors (John Hutchins et al.) Schools and Universities teaching translation Databases (Lexis-Nexis/Academic Research) On line Journals and periodicals on Translation (Meta/Babel)
Translation and Technology Operation Documentation Online newspapers and magazines ( Databases (Lexis/Nexis/ProQuest) Online libraries (AUC/Univ of Jordan) Search engines (google/altavista/webcrawler) eTools online dictionaries ( Specific websites: Glossaries (build his/her own glossary) Term banks (“any system which stores specialized vocabularies in electronic form”) (Baker, 2001)
Translation and Technology Term banks Designed to aid the translation of scientific and technical documentation Designed for documenting information on terms and concepts TERMIUM EURODICAUTOM NORMATERM LEXIS TEAM BASM
Translation and Technology Machine aided translation The use of computer applications in translating a text The translator pre-edits and/or post-edits the text The machine produces a rough translation of the text Machine Translation The translator does not interfere in the translation process
Translation and Technology Machine Translation/MT The application of computer technology for translating texts without the assistance of the human translator The aim of this translation is informative (dissemination of information) Communicative On line MT
Translation and Technology MT software ATA software Al Kafi AL Wafi AL Mutarjim ALArabi AL Mutarjim AlFawri Specialized Dictionaries on CD Al Mutarjim AlTibi (medical) Mujam AlMustalahat AIilmiyya (sciences) etc
Translation and Technology MT/Examples In English: Bush pushes Europe to back democracy in the Middle East In French: Bush pousse l'Europe à la démocratie arrière dans le Moyen-Orient In French:Bush demande aux pays Européens de supporter le processus de démocratie au Moyen Orient In English: Bush requires of the European countries to support the process of democracy to the Middle-East ( line) الرئيس بوش يدعو أوروبا لمساندة الديموقراطية في الشرق الأوسط The president, Bush, demands Europe for support of the democracy in the Middle East (AL Mutarjim ALKafi/CD)
Translation and Technology Product Word Processing Editing (spell checker, grammar checker, style) Send Publish
CONCLUSION Translation and Technology: towards speedy efficient and effective product of translation IT a must Effective Speedy Multifunctional Towards Translation