By: Karen Rocha
Grangerfords and Sheperdsons -Ignorance Land -War and horror Buck -Innocence Jim -Safety Mississippi River -Peace and comfort
Conceits - noun: Excessive pride in oneself. Col. Grangerford -Full of Pride Grangerfords and Sheperdsons Overall
2 Comprehension 2 Literary Analysis 2 Inference
What time does Miss Sophia leave, and with who? When is Huck’s innocence portrayed through the Grangerford and Sheperdson Feud the most?
“... and then they bowed and said, "Our duty to you, sir, and madam;" and they bowed the least bit in the world and said thank you, and so they drank,...” -How is the Grangerford family being portrayed here?
“So I slid out and slipped off up the road, and there warn't anybody at the church, except maybe a hog or two, for there warn't any lock on the door, and hogs likes a puncheon floor in summer-time because it's cool. If you notice, most folks don't go to church only when they've got to; but a hog is different.” -Why does Twain use the reference of a hog?
What would Huck want as a Christmas present? -He would to be on the river. Since, the land is full of danger and horrors. Would Huck be a world leader? -No, he would want to stay in solitude. He would not want to see what problems the world has because it would haunt him.