2009 MSU Study of Licensed Off-Road Vehicle Use and Users Michigan Department of Natural Resources Presented By: Steve Kubisiak, Recreation and Trails Program Coordinator February 9, 2011
Michigan’s ORV Trail System
Designated ATV and Motorcycle Trails
Designated ORV Routes and Scramble Areas
2009 MSU Study of Licensed Off-Road Vehicle Use and Users Fourth major statewide study Examine trends Explore economic significance Part of motorized trail study that also measured snowmobile use Funded by Michigan DNRE and MSU Extension
2009 MSU Study of Licensed Off-Road Vehicle Use and Users The trend in total ORV user days in Michigan over 43 years is upwards. The latest 38% increase in user days is influenced by the 46% increase in the number of licensed ORVs from the 2000 study, coupled with a 12% decline in use per ORV.
2009 MSU Study of Licensed Off-Road Vehicle Use and Users Economic significance to Michigan’s Economy: $300 million spending total: –$212 million equipment spending –$82 million trip spending –Supports 800 jobs statewide
ORV Trip Destination Spending Average spending/party on ORV riding trips on designated system/public lands Category$Average Resident (% Spending Something) $Average Non-resident (%Spending Something) Lodging$52 (33%)$146 (50%) Restaurant52 (67%)89 (92%) Grocery54 (70%)83 (84%) ORV expense32 (58%)80 (80%) Tow vehicle expense 26 (40%)67 (74%) All other items24 (35%)27 (38%) Total240 (88%)493 (96%)
Michigan Resident ORV Equipment Spending Mean household spent $1,839 47% purchased new ORV or support equipment 20% purchased used ORV or support equipment 62% purchased ORV repairs (non trip related) 51% purchased insurance for their ORV 8% purchased storage for their ORV
2009 MSU Study of Licensed Off-Road Vehicle Use and Users Michigan’s Licensed ORVs : 67% are all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) 14% are motorcycles 14% are sport utility vehicles (SUVs) 5% are utility vehicles In 1976 almost 75% were motorcycles & most of the rest SUVs
2009 MSU Study of Licensed Off-Road Vehicle Use and Users Primary Purpose of ORV Ownership: 37% trail/scramble area riding 25% supporting hunting or fishing 24% utility vehicle on private property 4% compensate for disability 9% other
2009 MSU Study of Licensed Off-Road Vehicle Use and Users 2009 ORV Licensee Demographics: 93% Male 87% Michigan Residents 13% Non-resident 56% have one or more years of college Average 49 years of age 60% live in the Southern Lower Peninsula 19% live in the Northern Lower Peninsula 22% live in the Upper Peninsula 27% own a second home in Michigan 21% are members of an organization related to ORVs with the largest proportion of 6% belonging to Michigan United Conservation Clubs
Conclusions ORV use and users make substantial contributions to Michigan’s Economy Michigan’s designated trail system is critical to facilitating the economic contributions that can be tied directly to ORV use Economic value of ORV use will grow if trends continue as they have over the past decade.
Full Report Available On-Line Thank You