E - Mamta Mothers & Child Tracking


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Presentation transcript:

E - Mamta Mothers & Child Tracking K.K.PANCHAL Additional Director(VS) HEALTH,MEDICAL SERVICES & MEDICAL EDUCATION( HS) Gandhinagar. e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Objective To strengthen monitoring of mortality indicators (IMR and MMR) through Name‐based tracking of Pregnant women ‐ for ANCs, Delivery & PNCs Children ‐ for immunization and nutrition Adolescents- for RCH services Eligible couples- for family planning To facilitate Closer monitoring of regular check‐ups of pregnant women and reduce maternal mortality. Complete immunization of children Nutrition of pregnant women and children Adolescent friendly services Family Planning Services e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Coverage All citizens of Gujarat (Covered under Family Health Survey)-All rural families and slum and slum like families in urban areas. UID to be given All eligible Pregnant Women (15 to 49 years) Children (0 to 6 years, for immunization) Adolescents ( 10- 19 years) e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Data to be captured Pregnant Women Children Adolescents Family Planning Nutritional Status Mortality Institutional Information (as per GOI Format) Disease information e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Data to be captured Location Details – State, District, Block, Address Identification details – Name, DOB, Phone No, JSY, caste, Ration card, BPL card, RSBY card Health Provider details – ANM, ASHA, Linked facility for delivery, Chiranjeevi , private ANC details – LMP, ANC dates, Wt, Hb, TT, IFA, Anémia, RTI/STI détail, complications Pregnancy Outcome – Place, delivery date, JSY benefits, CY benefits, Early breast feeding, Mamta Kit, complications, Infant details PNC Details ‐ dates, referral e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Process Stage -1- Family Health Survey registers of each village is to be entered. Around 10 lakh Family & 50 Lakh members data entered. Validation/modification of Family Health Survey data of person live death & current status Additional information of BPL no etc & Validate/addition data through other source like ration card, BPL survey etc Stage-2 Pre- service list (Work plan) of Beneficiaries to all field workers for a Mamta divas and entire Month Work Plan to be returned after a month along with details of service delivery for A printed E mamta card with the beneficiary for recording services taken System generated drop out list for various services to be distributed to field workers for follow up action Stage -3 Generation of HMIS Reports e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

Steps for Process E-Mamta 1. Family Health Survey Entry- http://e-mamta.guj.nic.in http://mcr.guj.nic.in Only once for first time. Edit every year after survey Generate Family Health Survey Register. (Village wise) 2. Physical Verification of Family Health Survey data as soon as Entry completed. Physical Verification by ANM/FHW/ASHA/HV Prepare work plan for cross verification. Cross verification by MO/BHO/RCHO/ADHO/CDHO 3. Edit FHS data after Physical & cross verification. Generate Family Health Survey Register. (Village wise) & Kept in SC/PHC 4. Generate work plan from e-mamta for ASHA/ANM for Service delivery - Mamta divas/Routine Service e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

Steps for Process E-Mamta 5. Migration-OUT/IN Run the query module for Migration-OUT/IN Validate Registration no. from any information of Name/Surname/Village Name/Ration Card/RSBY Card/Election Card etc. New registration if the beneficiary’s name is not in the computer generated List (after due verification) Data Entry after Service Delivery Left out list and follow up e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking SMS alert Services through Biometric search. All maternal and infant deaths. Two/one month prior to delivery. All beneficiaries having recorded mobile. numbers for services falling due. e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

Potential Offshoots/Benefits Better control on estimates of infant and maternal mortality Convergence of all data entry and report into one site MCR e.g. DHIS-2, RIMS, School Health etc List of beneficiaries for each services (auto generated) Computerized work plan for workers and monitoring officers Quantifying off‐take of JSY/CY benefits Monitoring of Incentives e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

Potential Offshoots/Benefits Improved supply chain management of vaccines and drugs Focused deployment of personnel Improvement in Registration of births Better data capturing in case of migration also Better data analysis for preparation of Block/District health action plans and State PIPs with realistic/accurate denominators. Basis for ICDS, Primary education, ration card, Adolescent health, school health etc e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Future plans Developing Applications for major diseases Complete Health Record Registration of private providers and giving them access for data entry and health records-Maternity homes in the first phase Integration with E Seva and E gram to make Immunisation Records and Health Records available on demand e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Main Screen e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

Data Entry Status/Reports e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Help Desk: 9099075208 9099075216 Email:emamtahelpdesk@gmail.com emamta.mcr@gmail.com Web address: http://e-mamta.guj.nic.in http://mcr.guj.nic.in e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking

e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking Thank You e-mamta - Mother &Child Tracking