Trainer: James Murphy Information for current and future clients.
What will we learn? Safety Guidelines. Types of free weights. Exercises using free weights and which muscles are worked out.
Safety Stretch before any physical activity Do not lift weight that you can not handle.
What not to do!!! Click the exclamation mark for video. Remember! Never lift weight that is too heavy. It can be very dangerous!!!
Dumbbell Exercises You can utilize the use of dumbbells to exercise many different areas of your body. 1. Abdominals 2. Chest 3. Shoulders 4. Biceps 5. Triceps 6. Back 7. Legs 8. Forearms
Abdominals (Weighted Crunch) Lay down on a bench. Hold weight at chest. Raise your shoulders up then proceed to go down slowly.
Abdominals (Dumbbell Side Bend) Hold dumbbell on one side of body. Slowly dip to the side keeping back straight. Switch sides.
Chest (Bench Press) Lay on your back on a bench and hold 2 dumbbells at chest level. Raise both dumbbells straight up. Slowly come back down.
Chest (Incline Bench Press Hold two dumbbells at chest level. Raise dumbbells straight up. Same concept as bench press. Use an incline bench.
Shoulders (Palms-In Shoulder Press) Hold two dumbbells at shoulder level. Have palms facing inward. Lift straight up slowly, then bring back down.
Shoulders (Shoulder Press) Hold two dumbbells at shoulder level. Have palms facing forward. Lift straight up slowly, then bring back down.
Biceps (Biceps Curl) Hold one dumbbell with each hand down the side of your body. Raise both dumbbells to about shoulder height. Slowly bring back down.
Biceps (Hammer Curl) Grab one dumbbell in each hand. Raise both dumbbells to about shoulder height. Slowly bring back down.
Triceps (Two Arms Extension) Hold one dumbbell with both hands behind your head. Lift straight up. Slowly bring back down.
Triceps (Kickback) Put your knee and hand on a bench and grab a dumbbell with your other hand. Bring dumbbell back by extending elbow. Bring back down.
Back (Wide Row) Grab one dumbbell with each hand, and stand in squatting position. Lift both dumbbells straight up. Slowly bring back down.
Legs (Squat) Hold dumbbell in front of your body. Keep back straight and bend your knees.
Legs (Stationary Lunge) Stand up with one foot in front, one foot back and hold one dumbbell on each hand. Form 90 degree bend with your legs.
Forearms (Palms-Up Wrist Curl) Sit down and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Slowly raise just your wrists. Bring back down.
Questions? What were some safety strategies that we have learned? What were some of the body parts the we have learned to exercise? In your opinion, why is it important to use free weight as part of a workout routine? SAFETY GUIDELINES