Chris Gaur, Co-Founder Vital Care Services TeleHealth Research : Assistive Remote Patient Monitoring – Effective e-Health Intervention Pace University January 17 th, 2014
Background: Healthcare Today Seniors are the fastest growing population in the world 1 of every 2 adults has at least one chronic condition About 1 in 3 U.S. adults has high blood pressure – an estimated 68 million $1.1 trillion is spent annually in the U.S. on unnecessary medical tests, treatments, and doctors’ visits
What is TeleHealth What is TeleHealth? The delivery of health-related services and information via telecommunications technologies
TeleHealth Objectives Increase quality of care Expand healthcare access Reduce healthcare costs
Research Questions Can seniors learn TeleHealth? Are they willing to do it? Does it help patient education? Can they learn to do it themselves?
Wellness for Older Adults Usability and Benefits of TeleHealth
Early Intervention Case Study
TeleHealth System Health Data Inputs TeleHealth Monitor Weight Blood Pressure Blood Oxygen Temperature Pain Levels MedicationsBlood Glucose Questions
Clinician Dashboard
Health Data Security and Privacy Tablet/Web Portal: Secure Login/HTTPS Privacy: HIPAA Training and Certification Consent: Participant Enrollment Forms Data: Anonymous Participant Names Protection: Three Layer Firewalls I.Watchguard Enterprise Firewall II.VMware Firewall III.Windows Firewall
NYC Pilot Program 250+ Applicants Vital Care partners with Pace University Winner of funded 6 month pilot study
Pilot Objectives Reduce healthcare costs with evidence based interventions Manage chronic diseases and prevent hospitalization Enable medical technology in homes for aging in place Train future working professionals at University level
Pilot Design Training Train Pace University student technicians and graduate RN’s Enroll participants in community partner locations Monitoring Collect health data 2 times a week at community locations Provide individual health assessments remotely Analysis Evaluate Health outcomes, Patient engagement, and Adherence Report three and six month research analysis to NYCEDC July -> August August -> December
Washington Heights, Manhattan (NORC) 32 patients 1 student technician Populations Served Bay Ridge. Brooklyn (Low Income Housing) 33 patients 2 student technicians Battery Park, Manhattan (IL/AL) 22 patients 1 student technician Lower East Side, Manhattan (NORC) 38 patients 1 student technician
NYC PILOT VIDEO Summary of Findings
Shore Hill Summary
Future Research Healthcare Coverage & Costs Hospital Re-admissions & ER mHealth & Telemedicine Caregiver & Patient Education / Multiple Chronic Diseases (Westchester & Scranton, PA)
Comments / Questions? Dr. David Sachs, Pace University Phone: (914) Dr. Jean F. Coppola, Pace University Phone: (914) Chris Gaur, Co-Founder Phone: (914) Dave Gaur, Co-Founder Phone: (914)