Built Environment
Construction produces buildings and infrastructure which form the built environment
Coliseum in Rome
Windsor Castle
Built environment is shaped by Climate and geology Economy Government Culture and fashion Technology Customers
Customers need facilities to demonstrate Government power
Grand Arc in Paris
London Town Hall
Customers need facilities to provide housing
Housing development Ballater Scotland Add picture of low rise housing
Unité d'habitation in Marseille
Customers need facilities to house religious activities
Pantheon in Rome
Salisbury Cathedral
Customers need facilities to undertake manufacturing
Gillette Factory in Reading
Customers need facilities for commercial activities
Home Insurance Building Chicago
Oracle shopping complex-Reading
Canary Wharf London
World Financial Centre New York
Customers need facilities to provide schools and universities
Abbey school Reading
Henley Business School University of Reading
University Halls of Residence
Customers need facilities to provide health care
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Green patient lab Anshen + Allen & SKANSKA
Customers need facilities for Transport Energy Waste treatment Water supply Communication
Heathrow Terminal 5
Processing plant
Electricity distribution
Architecture Aims to produce buildings Aims to satisfy users’ needs and produce art Involves many distinct technologies and complex junctions between them
Civil Engineering Aims to construct infrastructure safely Tends to be large and technically challenging Often constructed in challenging environments