The Greek Revolution The Greek War of Independence (1821-1829)
The Beginning The Ottoman Empire had control of Greece The Greeks had wanted freedom for some time. The French Revolution inspired them. The Russians gave them the final push to rise up.
The Uprising On March 6th 1821 the first organized rebellion was launched. It was quickly silenced. The Greeks in Peloponnese, Crete, Macedonia, and central Greece began revolting.
Outside Help Russia, France, and Britain stepped in to help end the fued. They wanted Greece to be independent. They asked the Ottomans to let the Greeks be independent, but they refused.
The End The Russians, French and British attacked the Ottoman Empire. In the middle of the chaos, the Greeks slipped away and declared their independence. The Ottoman empire was forced to leave them be or suffer the wrath of Russia. The Greeks set up their own government, complete with a king.
John Capodistria He was the leader of the revolution. Russian diplomat Became first head of state of independent Greece.
Philike` Hetairia “Friendly Society” Secret organization that worked closely with Russians to organize revolts.
Success? They achieved their goals of independence and freedom. They set up their own government They had their own leaders. Yes, Success!