Content Marketing Use your Knowledge to grow your Business
Content marketing is any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire and retain customers. There are many ways to deliver your Content Video Facebook LinkedIn Greeting cards (just to name a few)
Just like any other marketing strategy it requires a plan This “plan” is referred to as your Content Strategy Kristina Halvorson, founder of Brain Traffic, and author of Content Strategy for the Web describes content strategy as “planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content.”
I love her definition – however I would have put it in a different order “planning for the delivery, creation and governance, of useful, usable content” Lets break it down into chunks
The “Delivery” – what methods will you use to deliver your expert content Part #1 – Your Tools – what tools do you have already to deliver your content A. Social Media – Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pintrest B. – (all of you have , scale your list to your tools) C. Blog’s – ActiveRain, Your Own WP Blog D. YouTube – (for those of you doing videos) E. Website – Weebly, MWS, (if your site is served talked with your IT person about regular content updates)
Part #2 – Consistency – time block for success You must deliver content regularly to multiple media channels for your content strategy to work Set specific days and times for each of your delivery tools *Tuesday 9-10 | Put new content on AR, and Website (YouTube) *Tuesday 10-10:30 | Post link to above on FB, LI, Twitter / list link to above
The “Creation” – building your content Part #1 – Determine your subject matter (what are you an expert on) Renovation Loans Reverse Mortgages VA Loans USDA Loans First Time Home Buyers Construction Loans FHA Streamline REFI Expert
And that list did not even mention…… Data Base Marketing help Facebook Marketing for Agents How to use videos in your Real Estate Business ……..and so on…….. The point is, there is always content
Part #2 Organize – put your expertise on the subject in order When putting your expertise in order remember that you want people to understand what you are saying Avoid industry terms Tell stories to illustrate your point Always remember to follow the formula This is what I am an expert on This is how my expertise benefits you This is how you can take advantage of that benefit
Part #3 Write/Record – putting your subject and expertise into a readable format Do not make your content to long Tell the entire story in a short precise way Do not repeat yourself in your content People will avoid articles that they feel will take them to much time to read (another reason why content delivery with video is great)
Use your SEO tools when writing as well (you are taking the time to create this content, get the most impact you can) Title with Key word phrase Key word phrase sprinkled into the content Link back to related information You do not have to, but feel free to use a “style” in your content example: “This weeks Top 10 Mortgage Questions is on Reverse Mortgages 1. Do I still own my home with a reverse mortgage?” then next week’s content “This weeks Top 10 Questions is on Home Renovation Loans”
Part #4 Consistency – time block for success Remember you are the expert These are things you already know about The amount of time you spend on it will lessen as you get better and better at creating your content Start with enough time then adjust your time block as less time is needed Monday 5-6 Create content
The “Governance” – tracking the effectiveness of your Content Part #1 of tracking your contents effectiveness is to determine what the goal is Get Real Estate Agents to see me as an industry leader Get consumers to see me as an expert Part #2 is to create a method of keeping a record Excel Spread Sheet
Measure all the parts that you can access information for FB Likes, Shares, Comments reply’s Video views Calls from Loans from
TypeSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday FB Like15 FB Comment 3 FB Share0 Video View35 Reply2 Calls1 Loan1
There are 2 places that will cause you to not succeed with Content Marketing #1 – Not being consistent – consistency will increase the number who see your content, and consistency will create trust over time #2 – Not measuring the results of your efforts – tracking will give you a good idea of what your target audience is most interested in so you can do more of that
Use help
Create an alert for any topic you want information on Become the VA Loan “guru” in your area – Set a Google Alert for VA Loan Information
You can set it up to get a notification weekly Once a week, choose an article from the MANY you get notified about Read the article Put your “spin” on it (re-write it in your own language) Add your SEO friendly keyword phrases and local tags
“Spin” found content to become your own Veterans Home Loans in Palm Harbor VA home loans in Palm Harbor can help Service members, Veterans, and eligible surviving spouses become homeowners. As part of your Veterans Benefits you can get a home loan guaranty benefit and other housing-related programs to help you buy, build, repair, retain, or adapt a home for your own. VA Home Loans are provided by private lenders like Joy Bates of Leader1 Financial. VA guarantees a portion of the loan, enabling Joy to provide you with more favorable terms. Purchase VA Home Loans in Palm Harbor help you purchase a home at a competitive interest rate often without requiring a down payment or private mortgage insurance. Cash Out Refinance loans allow you to take cash out of your home equity to take care of concerns like paying off debt, funding school, or making home improvements. Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL): also called the Streamline Refinance Loan can help you obtain a lower interest rate by refinancing your existing VA loan. To get all the information on Veterans Home Loans in Palm Harbor, just give me a call. Joy Bates VA Home Loan Specialist in Palm Harbor
Let people know you are an expert by providing consistent expert level content to them Just use what’s in your head, or just ask Google