The Crown and Suppliers: A New Way of Working Ways of Working14:20 – 15:05 Data Standards Open Source ICT Asset & Service Knowledgebase Agile Q&A Session PROTECT
Data Standards A New Way of Working : 21/11/11 : 2 of 8 Vision “Common language” and understanding for sharing of information across departments Seamless service provision to the citizen from across government departments Move from inefficiency in production and use of data to public sector data becoming a reusable asset for the common good Ability to compare and benchmark as default Opportunities Identify areas where there is a need for standards Build upon significant expertise and work already done Take input and expertise from outside of government departments through open engagement process Consume data based upon open standards into products Objectives Clear, agreed and published set of open standards for data to Enable comparative benchmarking Lower the barriers to entry for the market Ensure open standards are embedded across public sector Build upon and spread existing thought leadership across departments. Have the “common language” in place to support key policy drivers (such as transparency) Update Commitment to the open engagement on the identification, definition and endorsement of open standards for data. Process of open engagement endorsed across departments. Building on successes of existing standards bodies and departmental functions e.g. Information Standards Board for Health and Social Care. Review across departments commenced on gaps/proposed standards across set of key challenge areas.
Open Source Solutions A New Way of Working : 21/11/11 : 3 of 8 Vision A level playing field for both Open Source and proprietary software where all options are fairly and equally evaluated and the solution which represents the best value for money is selected without issue. Potential savings from the adoption of Open Source Solutions are realised in the medium to long term. Opportunities Open source software (OSS) presents significant opportunities for the design and delivery of interoperable solutions as well as the possibility of more cost effective solutions which can potentially offer better value for money and a lower Total Cost of Ownership Objective Full compliance with the existing Open Source Policy across the whole of government. The creation of a level playing field for open source and proprietary software, allowing departments to evaluate open source options and select the best value for money option. Awareness and education of all players involved in solution acquisition. Update Toolkit published on 31 October 2011 to assist departments in the evaluation of Open Source Solutions. Toolkit includes Procurement advice (and associated PPN) All About Open Source (information) Security advice from CESG An Open Source options catalogue Basic information on Total Cost of Ownership To April 2012 – Update and Embed - Maintain toolkit, communicate, continue surgeries and establish business as usual functions
ASK ICT (Asset and Services Knowledgebase) A New Way of Working : 21/11/11 : 4 of 8 Vision Pan-government MI on ICT assets and services Licences by Supplier for all of Central Government OpportunitiesObjectives Increase organisations contributing and re-using assets Dec Build in to Spend Control Processes Mar % Agencies, NDPBs, Arms Length Bodies Mar % Wider Public Sector Update 100% Central Government Departments using WHAT? HOW MANY? FROM WHO? HOW MUCH? G-Cloud ata D
Agile A New Way of Working : 21/11/11 : 5 of 8 Vision By April 2013, Agile techniques used in 50% of major ICT- enabled programmes By 2014, Agile will reduce the average departmental ICT enabled change delivery timescales by 20%. New projects will adopt Agile methods where appropriate A virtual centre of excellence will provide advice, communication, help, support and feedback to Agile projects A contractual Agile SME Supplier framework will provide access to a catalogue of relevant services provided by SMEs without the need for lengthy and costly competitions. Opportunities Suppliers can demonstrate their genuine willingness and ability to change their own waterfall approaches to agile approaches. Suppliers can implement agile engineering principles & practices for the full delivery life cycle for pilot Agile projects Where contracts are prohibitive to working in an agile way suppliers can be proactive in trying to resolve contract based problems. Suppliers can help departments source Agile SME help on pilot Agile projects. Update 4 Strand approach defined and being implemented – Leadership, Improvement, Prove, Support Approach continually being socialised with departments Initial pilot Agile projects identified Service Catalogue for Agile SMEs defined Department Agile Working Group in place to facilitate progress and knowledge sharing Objectives Identify further pilot Agile projects. Run awareness training for senior executives within departments (incl CIOs, Policy, Finance, Procurement, HR, Legal) Establish business case for each pilot Agile project to invest in appropriate training & coaching. Set up Agile SME Supplier Framework As part of the pilot Agile projects build out contracting options and virtual centre of excellent capabilities – training champions Have approach adopted in all departments after the pilot period