Gaylen Atkinson March 16, 2008
2 AGENDA Market Potential Customer Need Tridium Solution Benefits to Users Customer “Hot” Buttons Product Offerings How to Market Product Conclusion CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
3 MARKET POTENTIAL 6.8 million vacation homes in United States. 21% of remote home owners own 2 or more vacation homes. 34% of vacation homes are over 500 miles away from primary residence. Average remote home owner is 59 years old and earns over $120,000. Baby boomers with money to spend! Source: The 2006 National Association of Realtors, Profile of Second Home Owners CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
4 CUSTOMER NEED Internet-savvy, remote home owners want to know what is happening at their remote property. Right now! Peace of mind from knowing that they can easily monitor their million dollar investment. – Most remote homes have internet access. DSL, satellite, broadband, cellular, etc. CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
5 SOLUTION Tridium Jace 2 AX controller with Atkinson Electronics custom remote-home software. – HVAC, security, cameras, weather monitoring, lighting, alarms (ie water detection), access control, off-grid power, food refrigeration, water systems, fire sprinklers, propane tank level, landscape irrigation, etc. This provides PEACE OF MIND for the “well-heeled” second home owner. CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
6 SOLUTION Continued There’s lots on the market for primary residence home automation, ie window shades, lighting, HVAC, theater control, Honeywell X10, on/off, security alarm, etc. Very limited offering in full remote home automation systems. Present market offerings consist of simple dial-up phone controllers, limited features. CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
7 BENEFITS TO USERS Tridium AX permits full-featured, remote home monitoring with any Internet-connected device. Atkinson Electronics/Tridium AX solution provides a complete, seamless, remote home package, for the owners peace of mind. Trend logs of input lets owners analyze what’s happening to their property in their absence. CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
8 SOME CUSTOMER’S “HOT” BUTTONS Use Internet-connected device to easily turn up heat before arrival at remote home. Turn off appliances left on by guests. Know how much propane is left in your tank. – Critical where winter access is limited or impossible. Simple, low-level temperature threshold for freeze protection, with standard HVAC thermostats. Full-featured security including entry key pad, motion sensors, door switches, and cameras. Is the food in refrigerator or freezer safe? CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
9 SOME CUSTOMER’S “HOT” BUTTONS Know your battery voltage and electrical system status for solar/wind powered off-grid cabins. Avoid disasters – water detection, freeze protection, intrusion, and equipment failure Access control for remote property managers, gates, doors, real time security camera views, etc. Save money – remote home owners no longer need to hire property managers to check their property. Status of well water system, fire sprinkler alarm, etc. How much snow do you have, before you go! CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
15 TWO WAYS PRODUCT IS OFFERED Atkinson Electronics remote home software – Available for Tridium integrators Pre-packaged control box from Atkinson Electronics with sensors and AX appliance software – Directed towards contractors and technical, do-it-yourself, remote home owners CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM
16 CONCLUSION Current home automation systems are directed towards primary residences. – Audiovisual, HVAC, Security and lighting control Remote home monitoring consists of simple, dial-up devices with limited functionality. Atkinson Electronics/ Tridium partnership opens a new market with full featured remote home system. CABIN AUTOMATION SYSTEM