Wireless Data Acquisition System and its application for electrical emission measurement in Substations Supervised by Dr. W.H.Siew Presented by Yu Wang
Introduction of electrical emission measurement in substations Purpose: To capture and record EMI signal caused by the switching actions in substation Purpose: To capture and record EMI signal caused by the switching actions in substation Equipment: Sensors, Optical Fibber Links, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes(DSO), and Computers Equipment: Sensors, Optical Fibber Links, Digital Storage Oscilloscopes(DSO), and Computers Fibre Analog System Fibre Analog System
Proposal of Wireless Digital System Fiber optical link is Difficult to layout and easy to be broken Fiber optical link is Difficult to layout and easy to be broken Main promotion: For most convenience and mobility (why wireless) Main promotion: For most convenience and mobility (why wireless) To carry an analog signal with 20MHz bandwidth, it needs too large bandwidth for carrier wave (why digital) To carry an analog signal with 20MHz bandwidth, it needs too large bandwidth for carrier wave (why digital) To take the advantage of modern digital communication technology to overcome EMI in the field (why digital) To take the advantage of modern digital communication technology to overcome EMI in the field (why digital)
The structure of new system Make up of RAU (Remote Acquisition Unit), wireless network and application software in PC side Make up of RAU (Remote Acquisition Unit), wireless network and application software in PC side Wireless modem RAU-1 RAU-n Sensor-1 Sensor-n
Remote Acquisition Unit (RAU) 100M A/D Sampling rate 100M A/D Sampling rate 500K bytes buffer 500K bytes buffer UART Interface to wireless modem UART Interface to wireless modem Trigger control functions and all the main function of a DSO ( Digital Storage Oscilloscope) Trigger control functions and all the main function of a DSO ( Digital Storage Oscilloscope)
Block Diagram of Acquisition CPLD XC95288-LV- 144 Memory CPU A/D Interface to CPU Interface to MEM Interface to A/D Trigger function RS-232 TTL RS-485
Wireless network Point-To-Multipoint Bi-Directional network Point-To-Multipoint Bi-Directional network ARQ for concentrative interruption ARQ for concentrative interruption FEC for random distributive interruption FEC for random distributive interruption Speed, Distance and license free Speed, Distance and license free
Control platform in PC side HCI (Human Control Interface) to RAU HCI (Human Control Interface) to RAU Collection data and save them in local disc Collection data and save them in local disc Separated DSO Separated DSO Wireless modem Removed
Current stage of development PC Platform (finished) PC Platform (finished) Cable network link (finished) Cable network link (finished) Acquisition (finished) Acquisition (finished) Replacing Cable link with wireless modem Replacing Cable link with wireless modem
Information wanted Any suggestion for selection of wireless modem and all the information about such product are welcomed. Any suggestion for selection of wireless modem and all the information about such product are welcomed. Contact me by Contact me by Ext. No: 2108 for James