Summary: This session is all about MONEY! We’ll see the Chart of Accounts and accounting entries. Who Should Attend: All users involved with the accounting/financial side of the business Logistics: This course will be recorded Short 5 min. breaks between sections
BankingBanking Incoming PaymentsIncoming Payments Outgoing PaymentsOutgoing Payments Accounting Concepts in OBeerAccounting Concepts in OBeer Why is it setup this way?Why is it setup this way? Overview of accounting in OBeerOverview of accounting in OBeer Drilling In, Linked Transactions, JEsDrilling In, Linked Transactions, JEs Accounting ConfigurationAccounting Configuration Chart of AccountsChart of Accounts GL DeterminationsGL Determinations EntriesEntries JE, JV, Recurring, TemplatesJE, JV, Recurring, Templates Other ScenariosOther Scenarios
Incoming PaymentsIncoming Payments Apply payments to InvoicesApply payments to Invoices DepositDeposit Deposit checks queued upDeposit checks queued up Outgoing PaymentOutgoing Payment Post payments and queues up checks for printingPost payments and queues up checks for printing
Banking Banking Module has all functions associated with money coming in and going out
Real time accountingReal time accounting Transactions auto post journal entriesTransactions auto post journal entries Manage by Exception AccountingManage by Exception Accounting Variances, Credit Limits, configurationVariances, Credit Limits, configuration Moving Average CostMoving Average Cost Why we don’t use Actual Cost, FIFO, or StandardWhy we don’t use Actual Cost, FIFO, or Standard Rolling PeriodsRolling Periods Periods managed automatically by posting datePeriods managed automatically by posting date
Overview of Accounting The accounting is everywhere in OBeer
Chart of Accounts (GL)Chart of Accounts (GL) Template GL based on best practicesTemplate GL based on best practices GL DeterminationsGL Determinations Tells the system what GL to hit when a transaction happensTells the system what GL to hit when a transaction happens Already setup for you, but you need to know how to change itAlready setup for you, but you need to know how to change it System > Item Group > Item LevelSystem > Item Group > Item Level WIP AccountingWIP Accounting GL gets hit is beer moves through processGL gets hit is beer moves through process
Accounting Config The accounting is everywhere in OBeer
Regular Documents/TransactionsRegular Documents/Transactions Journal EntryJournal Entry Journal VoucherJournal Voucher ToolsTools Posting TemplatePosting Template Recurring PostingRecurring Posting Reversing a JEReversing a JE Things to RememberThings to Remember All transactions can be reversedAll transactions can be reversed No transaction can be “deleted”No transaction can be “deleted”
Accounting Transactions Manual posting entries into the GL