Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Introduction Joint Department of the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde Established in 2001 through a merger of Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at the University of Glasgow and the Department of Ship and Marine Technology at the University of Strathclyde Based at the University of Strathclyde, students have access to resources and facilities of both Universities The Engineering Faculty at Strathclyde is the largest Engineering Faculty in Scotland and is one of the UK's leading centres of engineering education and research The First Chair of Naval Architecture in the World was established in 1883 at the University of Glasgow
Staff and Students Academic Staff Research Fellows -11 6 Professors 1 Reader 4 Senior Lecturers 4 Lecturers Research Fellows -11 Research Assistants - 4 PhD Students -24
Courses 4 Undergraduate Courses 6 Postgraduate Courses MEng in Naval Architecture MEng/BEng in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering MEng/BEng in Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering MEng/BEng in Naval Architecture with Small Craft Engineering 6 Postgraduate Courses MSc/PGDip in Marine Technology MSc/PGDip in Offshore Floating Systems MSc/PGDip in Subsea Engineering MSc/PGDip in Offshore Renewable Energy MSc/PGDip in Marine Engineering MSc/PGDip/PGCert in Technical Management of Ship Operations
Undergraduates: Total - 250 Postgraduates: Total - 40 Courses Undergraduates: Total - 250 Postgraduates: Total - 40
Three Centres: Three Groups: Research - Ship Stability Research Centre (SSRC) Marine Structures and Reliability Centre (MSRC) Centre for Marine Hydrodynamics (CMH) Three Groups: Marine Design and Manufacturing Group (MDG) Marine Engineering Group (MEG) Ship Management and Operations Group (SMG)
Research – Acre Road Hydrodynamics Laboratory
Research – Acre Road Hydrodynamics Laboratory Majority of experimental work performed at this laboratory Used for UG & PG student project work, research projects and commercial testing Used for measuring: - Ship resistance & sea-keeping, unsteady motion of ships and floating bodies, survivability of damaged ships, hydrodynamics of towed surface-pierced and submerged bodies, ocean engineering studies, wave impact & slamming studies, marine renewable energy studies Dimensions: 76m x 4.6m x 2.5m Features: - Carriage: Computer –controlled digital drive - Wavemaker: generate regular and irregular waves over 0.5 m - Data acquistion: PC based modular data acquistion/control system.
Research Research: 1st round of EU-FP7 Projects confirmed in 2008 Dismantling of Ships Risk based inspection, maintenance and Structural design of new vessels Promoting marine research careers Integrated stability, subdivision and casualty mitigation Fire resistance improvement