The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard Matthew 20:1-16
Introduction In “The Unmerciful Servant” In this parable No unforgiving person has a place in the kingdom In this parable Another attitude which will not be in the kingdom is revealed
The Setting Matthew 19:16-22 Matthew 19:23-26 Jesus’ conversation with the rich young ruler Jesus’ challenge is for the young man to give up all The man went away sorrowful Matthew 19:23-26 Jesus then teaches his disciples how difficult it is for the rich to enter the kingdom The disciples wonder who can be saved Jesus says, “with God all things are possible”
The Setting Peter raises a question – Matthew 19:27 The disciples had left all What would they have in return? If the rich could barely be saved with God’s help, shouldn’t those who willingly give up all receive something more?
The Setting Jesus’ answer – Matthew 19:28-30 For the apostles They would sit upon 12 thrones They would judge the 12 tribes of Israel For all disciples They will receive many times as much as they gave up With a warning “But many who are first will be the last; and the last, first.” The parable then follows The parable ends with the same warning So the parable explains Jesus’ answer and warning
The parable Matthew 20:1-15 In the morning, a landowner hires laborers to work for a certain wage At different times more laborers are hired for a fair, but unspecified, wage At the end of the day all receive the same wage The first laborers are upset The landowner responds You got the agreed-upon pay, that is fair Don’t I have the right to pay the others equally? Are you envious because I am generous?
The meaning of the parable The owner is God The first workers The apostles and others who have given all (as in Peter’s question) The other workers Those who have not given as much as the first workers Perhaps those who were converted later in life or didn’t have the opportunity or ability to do as much
The meaning of the parable The main points Everyone in the kingdom receives the same reward That reward is more than fair and has been agreed upon Eternal life Those who give more should not be envious of the others Each of us serves God to the best of our own abilities and opportunities
The meaning of the parable Another point Not saying that you can purposely put off obeying Christ until the last moment The last workers said, “because no one hired us” They accepted the offer as soon as made They had not been refusing offers in order to get out of work
The Warning Matthew 19:30 & 20:16 Just because you started out right and early doesn’t mean you’ll finish If you finish, you are in the same position as all others in the kingdom But in order to finish, we have to start
Conclusion God expects all His servants to do their best with the time, opportunities, and abilities which they possess God has promised eternal life as our reward We should not be envious of those who have not given as much, but rather rejoice in God’s generosity We dare not delay in accepting God’s offer No guarantee the offer will be made again Will you accept His offer?