Alternative Learning Environment MONITORING INFORMATION STANDARDS FOR ACCREDITATION On-Campus Standards Review (OSR) Checklist July 7, 2013 Tammy Long
Appropriate committee members determine student participation in an Alternative Learning Environment (ALE). Ark. Code Ann. § through § See Rule 4.02 for student eligibility and placement. Documentation: List of committee members and meeting dates, observation of classroom Examples of Evidence: agenda, minutes, dates of meetings, signatures of members, why they are involved Item #185
Clear documents available that describe the purpose of alternative education to parents and the community in an Alternative Learning Environment. Ark. Code Ann. § through § Documentation: observation in classroom Examples of Evidence: documentation of the ALE program to the community and parents (brochures, narrative, etc.) Item #186
Grade levels enrolled in the Alternative Learning Environment program match the program description submitted to the ALE Unit for approval. Ark. Code Ann. § through § Documentation: Observation of classroom; Rule 4.05 addresses program approval, reporting, and monitoring. On or before March 31 of each year, each ALE program shall submit to the Department of Education, in electronic format, a program description documenting the program’s compliance with Ark. Code Ann. § through § and these rules. Item #187
Examples of Evidence: Rule 4.03 states the student/teacher ratios: K-6 = 10 students to 1 teacher or 12 students to 1 teacher + 1 paraprofessional = 15 students to 1 teacher or 18 students to 1 teacher + 1 paraprofessional. In a middle school where the grade configuration includes grades 5 or 6, or both, the student/teacher ratios for grades 7-12 may be applied. Grades that are in your program approval are the ones you are permitted to teach. Item #187 Cont.
Direct instruction is the primary educational component in the Alternative Learning Environment. Ark. Code Ann. § through § Documentation: lesson plans and observation of classroom, copy of schedule, HQT forms All direct instruction in core academic subject areas shall be provided by highly qualified teachers. See Commissioner Memo LS , dated Need current HQT form, March 2012, if an area has been added or license has been renewed; This commissioner memo has a hyperlink that will take you through the website, with appropriate forms, information, etc. Examples of Evidence: lesson plans and schedule to determine the percentage of direct instruction Item #188
ALE students participate in school wide activities enrolled in the Alternative Learning Environment. Ark. Code Ann. § through § Rule = An ALE shall not be punitive but shall provide the guidance, counseling, and academic support necessary to enable students who are experiencing emotional, social or academic problems to continue to make progress toward educational goals appropriate to each individual student’s specific situation, characteristics, abilities, and aspirations. Documentation: lesson plans and observation of classroom Examples of Evidence: Questions about student schedules will show that students are allowed to participate in extra activities, field trips, sports, etc. Discussion or questions about why certain students are enrolled in ALE Item #189
Evidence of social skills education, career, college, vocational and transitional life skills are occurring in the Alternative Learning Environment. Ark. Code Ann. § through § Documentation: lesson plans and observation of classroom Examples of Evidence: Life skills/character education programs, documentation of counselor visits with students Item #190
The Standards Assurance Unit of the Arkansas Department of Education works with the school districts to provide assistance, answer questions, etc. related to the standards. Each school district is assigned to a specialist in this unit. The specialist can provide assistance, provide workshops, etc. to the district to help answer questions about the standards. If you do not know the name of your district’s specialist, you may call The Standards of Accreditation are currently being revised but are not finished at the time of this presentation. Standards Assurance Unit
Johnie Walters, Supervisor of the Standards Assurance Unit Call to talk to the Standards Assurance Specialist for your school district. QUESTIONS???
Arkansas Department of Education, Standards for Accreditation, Division of Public School Accountability, Four Capitol Mall, Room 202-B, Little Rock, AR References