Architecture photography 2
A r c h i t e c t u r e p h o t o g r a p h y 3
Architecture photography 4
Spc. Sabryna Schlagetter kisses her wife, after their tour in Afghanistan. 5
Syrian, Turkey-Syria border 6
Smoke rising from burning garbage as storks rest,Gauhati, India. 7
“Running in Colour” event, Tel Aviv, Israel. 8
U.S. President Barack Obama, Visit Myanmar 9
young Ukrainian 10
Palestinian youths practice their Parkour skills 11
Obama and Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi 12
Southeast Asian Nations summit in Myanmar’s capital of Naypyitaw 13
Police and rioters clashed on Monday in Acapulco, Mexico, 14
remnant of the Berlin Wall 15
Egmont National Park in New Zealand 16
G20 leaders summit in Brisbane 17
Karachi, Pakistan. 18
The U.S. Capitol Building’s dome, repairs 19
T o w e r B r i d g e ' s n e w g l a s s w a l k w a y, L o n d o n 20
A snowy owl 21
Beirut, Lebanon 22
Volunteers begin removing 888,246 hand-made poppies 23
World heritage, Japan 24
Newbury, Massachusetts 25
Royal Academy of Arts in London 26
Ataturk dam, The town of Susuz, Turkey 27
ASEAN summit this week in Burma's capital 28
British Princess Kate 29
The French pianist Pierre-Laurent Aimard, in New York 30
We want jobs not guns, Kenya 31
He couldn’t go home. 32
archaeological paintings 33
Go home 34
How Close Can You Get? 35
A solitary fisherman’s home, Canada 36
In those years 37
Poor Indian’s female 38
Assam, India. 39
Jennifer Lawrence 40
The sculpture, on the banks of the Danube in Ulm, Germany 41
Three students who have led protest in Hong Kong were denied permission to travel to Beijing to meet with China's top officials. 42
H o m e s t e a d - M i a m i S p e e d w a y i n H o m e s t e a d, F l o r i d a. 43
Edinburgh, Scotland 44
Twickenham stadium in London 45
G20 Do you think they can save the world ? 47
Shores of Durban 48
Best Illustrated Books, New York Time, 2014 Merry Christmas 49
Sigiriya Rock Fortress 50
World Heritage Site, Penang 51
World Heritage Site, China 52
Saint Sophia Cathedral 53
Hampi, India 54
Japan, Autumn 55
M o d e r n a r t 56
The gift 57
Classic 58
Elegant. 59
Treasure 60
李常生 Eddie Lee, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 11/16/2014 All photos were taken from est100, Time light box, Reuters, Voice of American, FT photo Diary, etc. 61