The Character was created by Ian Fleming in 1952, pictured at right on the set of From Russia With Love in Summer 1963 Supposedly named after a Philadelphia based ornithologist who wrote a book, Birds Of The West Indies, which Fleming used for bird watching. (Right is the 1960 edition) The longest running film series in history starting in 1962 with Dr No and continuing with Skyfall, the 23 rd, released last year. To the right is the famous Gunbarrel sequence James Bond at 50 if dealing with only the movies
Born May 28 th, 1908 Grandson of Robert Fleming, financier Son of Valentine Fleming, PM who died in World War I Brother Of Peter Fleming, world traveller Uncle of Erin Fleming, Graucho Marx’s companion Ian Fleming Valentine Fleming Christopher Lee Peter Fleming Erin Fleming Robert Fleming
Sean Connery George Lazenby Roger Moore Timothy Dalton Pierce Brosnan Daniel Craig Sean Connery George Lazenby Roger Moore Timothy Dalton Pierce Brosnan Daniel Craig
The Villians The Gadgets And, The Girls Aren’t Bad Either Aston Martin DB5 Goldfinger Ursula
Both have British Backgrounds Both spent much time in Jamaica Physical in terms of presence Marriage ended quickly in death of wife Perpetually 37 years of age Physical in terms of presence Marriage ended quickly in death of wife Perpetually 37 years of age Mental and cerebral Scientific Happily Married Mental and cerebral Scientific Happily Married James Bond, the world’s best known fictional spy James Bond, the world’s best known ornithologist