Free Business Card Website Dr. K. F. Lee, ARPS IT&C (HK) Ltd.
The Inspiration of Wikipedia The concept of Free Sharing is not new and it has been glorified by Wikipedia. The concept of everybody contributes a little for the benefit of everybody is also not new - that is our fundamental philosophy.
The Practical Need of IT System All business IT system got some kind of name and address table. Of all the multiple $$$ IT system how many can offer the convenience of a click to look at the business card of the person? It is easy to implement but a hard task to maintain, hence few do it.
SME Need – Poor Man IT Many SME (Small and Medium sized Enterprise) use words processing or spreadsheet to maintain the name and address. A lot of time of the secretary has been spent to enter and maintain the business card collected...and when need it, can not find it!!!
Easy and Convenience Hyperlink has been around for more than 10 years and most popular system support hyperlink. MS Office for example allow user of word / excel to add hyperlink very easily. In purpose made IT system, it is a dead simple task for programmer to add a hyperlink to a keyword.
Look at a Business Card User/Programmer only need to add a hyperlink like: Where = is the keyword to look up the business card linked to the address given. The a.asp is the program and the is the A piece of cake in the implementation.
Practical Use – Sales Report Dear Manager, According to the schedule, I went to the Center to visit Mr. Joe Smith of the J & S Partner. He is a very friendly guy but unfortunately the chance to get business from them is minute because of ……Mr. Joe Smith The manager who read the report can easily double click the name and see his business card.
Practical Use - Secretary The poor girl (!) who has to typing address, phone number etc. has been waiting for this facility for a very long time! Every company has hundred of PC files containing some kind of name address info and just don’t know where it is! With, she only need to keep the name and the address.
A Selling Point IT system developer take note: It would take very little effort for you to put the hyperlink to the name in your system and suddenly your system look so much more user friendly!! It is advisable to open a new window so that only a small screen containing the entry popup.
There is a snag! Unless a lot company would make the effort to put its business card into the system, the hyperlink will only come to tell you that the business card can not be found! The key is: Everybody Contribute to Benefit Everybody
Design of Asiafree.NET We start to write the software for our internal use – no business model! Many friends said they can make use of it if it does not have privacy issue. So, we move the software to and follow the business view of everybody – wait until it has a lot entries then ….. (don’t know what yet!)
Intrusive advertisement No way – We are of the opinion of respecting people’s personal space, the screen on your computer. One should have the right to see only one ask for. We are anti-advertisement on the web of those pop up window!
Another Type of Advertisement Most web advertisement based on a link to the website of the advertiser. That is a distraction and made a lot office staff wasting time wondering around. Not surprised to see some company ban web access altogether. Customize made IT system allows only specified access.
Just Brief Scanned Info The Asiafree Free Business card allow each company to upload 4 scanned pictures which can be 2 sides of the business card and 2 sides of the company map/description. The only restriction is that the first one must be the business card.
System Generated Info At the same time, it also allows the company to enter basic info about the company and generate 2 business e-card and 2 e-map. Thus a company have a basic of 8 card- size (400x400px) pages info. One can understand as this as the first step in company marketing – FOC.
Enter Info for Others It is possible for a person to enter the information for another company. Company info belong to the owner of the address. The system will send automatically a message to the asking for approval or confirm.
Approved or Rejected The owner will receive a password for future modify of the business card belongs to the . He can reply to accept and optional change the password for his own use. He can reject it and the system will remove the entry automatically.
The Ideal World We do hope the utopian world where everybody would update the entry data if his company has any change. Obviously this is just a dream but it does no good to the company whose data is incorrect anyway.
Business Model At the moment, we have no plan to find a way to earn money for the system to support itself. Where possible automation is our goal. In the future, we would consider a charge for those business card get a lot of access. For now, we are against to put advertisement on the screen.
Contact IT&C (HK) Ltd. Dr. K. F. Lee, ARPS Main web URL: Data Entry: Display: