Areopagus (Mars Hill) in Athens – Acts 17. Both men understood accepting the resurrection as a historical fact is central the Christian faith Our Cultural.


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Presentation transcript:

Areopagus (Mars Hill) in Athens – Acts 17

Both men understood accepting the resurrection as a historical fact is central the Christian faith Our Cultural Context In the West interest in spirituality on the rise, due to: Discrediting of religion Developments in science (intelligent design) = “I am spiritual but not religious” Renowned atheist philosopher Anthony Flew now believes in God! CS Lewis: Atheist – Theist – Christian

Both philosophies agree: There is no personal God There is no purpose in life There is no such thing as resurrection from the dead Paul’s Cultural Context Epicureans: Enjoy Life Epicures (c300bc) taught there are no gods – there is no afterlife so enjoy the present. He emphasized pleasure (let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die). Materialism Stoics: Endure life Zeno (d.270bc) taught God is everywhere and the world is under an impersonal force of natural law. When we die we are absorbed back into the divine. He emphasized accepting whatever comes in life. Eastern Religion & New Age Paul: Obtain life! (Christianity) Note: These people were ‘listening in’ to Paul reasoning with the Jews and God-fearing gentiles…

Paul had been mobbed the last 2 places he visited. He knew no one in Athens and was waiting for Silas and Timothy (sightseeing?!) He went to where the people were – the synagogue and the market place… Paul’s Motivation Motivation = reason for action; that which gives direction and purpose - IT IS WHAT DRIVES YOU - IT INFORMS WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS IN YOUR LIFE - IT IS YOUR WHY Write what you want and then why you want it: I want…because… -BIG why - small why - Paul’s BIG why – to know Him (Phil 3, 12) - Paul’s small why – anger; being provoked by idols - The Athenians were motivate to hear Paul out because they liked to hear new things

Let us begin with Zeus, whom we mortals never leave unspoken. For every street, every market place is full of Zeus. Even the sea and the harbour are full of this deity. Everywhere, everyone is indebted to Zeus. For we are indeed his offspring. Aratus (c315bc), Phaenomena 1-5 Paul’s Method and Message Observation – altar to an unknown god – v23 Statement – God is Creator (transcendent) v24-26, and near by (immanent) v27 Recognition – your own poets recognise this v28 Turning point – repentance when we realise our wrong view of God v30 Reason – judgement will come through a Man Proof – resurrection from the dead shows that Jesus and God are one Reaction – sneering, deferring, and believing

What a moment to be an ambassador for Christ. What an hour for the proclamation of the Gospel. This is the time to make Christ known, whether we be pastor, teacher, evangelist or layman. I intend to keep on going, preaching the Gospel, writing the Gospel, as long as I have any breath. I hope my last words as I am dying, whether by bullet wound, or cancer, heart attack or stroke – I hope my dying word will be Jesus.” Billy Graham Reflections The resurrection of Jesus is central to Christianity, so it is good to be prepared to speak about it in our evangelism Motivation gives us energy - we need to be in touch with God’s heart so to direct that energy in the best way for lasting results (and not burn-out!) We can use other people’s motivation to get them to listen to our message We can be motivated by what God has said to us (“I will make you fishers of men”/ “feed my lambs”) Important to be where the people are – speak to those who are open and others will listen in Be prepared for different reactions and don’t be discouraged by those who sneer and defer judgement

What motivates me to tell others about Jesus – is the fact that it is not imposing truth, but trying to uncover what is already known by people but suppressed – God gives His Holy Spirit to back up your words. You are not alone in the task! Final thought Romans 1, The fact there is a God is obvious because of creation (the pagans are without excuse because of the things that have been made). People suppress the truth in unrighteousness, and ceasing to give thanks to God their foolish hearts become darkened, their speculations futile… In exchanging the truth of God for a lie, they worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator…