updated :20 utc goh kawai tue1 week1 spoken language corpora s316 Spoken language corpora Course overview
updated :20 utc goh do this for tue1 lbring and connect laptop, projector, network, bluetooth speaker, clicker larrange desks, chairs lshow these slides, my website, glexa lcirculate roster sheet
updated :20 utc make roster lwrite lfull name lfurigana l address pass sheet
updated :20 utc informed consent lyour speech and actions may be recorded, archived and, without revealing your identity, used and made public for research and education purposes lif you disagree, I will neither record nor retaliate l 学生の言動を録音し、保存し、匿名としたうえ で研究と教育のために利用したり公開する可能 性がある
updated :20 utc contact info loffice: office building room s304 l lweb: goh.kawai.com
updated :20 utc goh's website lhttp://goh.kawai.com/ lhttp://goh.cll.hokudai.ac.jp/ lidentical content lhokudai site may be faster
updated :20 utc instructor lGoh Kawai ( 河合 剛 かわい ごう ) lborn in Tokyo, raised in Toronto lcame to Sapporo in
updated :20 utc goh’s academic background lUniv of Tokyo lBA linguistics, 1984 lICU lMA educational technology, 1986 lStanford Univ llinguistics (dropout) lUniv of Tokyo lPhD information and communication engineering, 1999
updated :20 utc goh’s vocational background lXerox Palo Alto Research Center Palo Alto, CA lSRI International Menlo Park, CA lUniversity of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan lUniversity of California Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA lOregon Health & Science University lBeaverton, OR
updated :20 utc goh’s interests lresearch lspoken and written language processing technology applied to language learning lpersonal interests lflying, kayaking, cycling, snowshoeing, amateur radio, sado (way of tea)
updated :20 utc office hours ldrop-in or for appointment lno phone calls loff campus lsee my website
updated :20 utc class periods
updated :20 utc grad school catalog blurb l 担当分野/マルチメディア言語情報処理論 l 研究領域、学歴 ( 言語学学士、教育学修士、電子情報工学博 士 ) 、職歴 ( 研究所 2 社、大学 4 校 ) 、業績一覧、所属学会、授 業資料、教え子の匿名コメント ( 全ての学部授業 ) などを web に掲載。メールで面会予約。電話不可。私の評価を元指導生 に直接たずねるとよい。 l 言語情報処理、教育工学☆領域 言語学と情報処理技術を利用 した非母語学習。☆手法 学習システムや教材を制作し、学習 効果を定量的に評価する。☆指導方法 協同プロジェクトを共 著論文にまとめる。☆修士条件 査読のある国際会議で論文発 表。☆博士条件 後進の研究指導。☆指導生の発表先 音響学 会、音声学会、教育工学会、 ASA, AAAL, Calico, Eurocall, Interspeech など。
updated :20 utc alumni l 平野宏子東京大学 博士 ( 科学 ) 東北師範大学 l 歌代崇史東京工業大学 博士 ( 工学 ) 北海学園大学 l 三角美樹札幌開成高校 l 壽崎尚美北海道立高校 l 片桐徳昭札幌開成高校、博士 ( 学術 ) 見込
updated :20 utc undergraduate education lenglish language for freshmen lonline course linstructor-led courses
updated :20 utc english online
updated :20 utc instructor-led course
updated :20 utc pronunciation lunch
updated :20 utc spoken language corpora course lacquire a specific practical skill lnot theory llots of out-of-class work
updated :20 utc objectives lre: spoken language corpora, explain: lbasic concepts (definitions, features) luses (analysis, engineering, learning) ldesign and development strategies lre: speech analysis, perform: ldesign and collect corpus llabel and analyze speech linterpret analyses
updated :20 utc prerequisites lphonetics and phonology lsound system of English and/or Japanese lIPA desirable laudio input and output using computers lbring your laptop (Linux, Windows, Mac) lstatistics lmean, standard deviation
updated :20 utc format of each class period lexplain concepts and theory lcollect and analyze speech llearn software tools ltranscribe and analyze ldesign corpus llearn about research and academia lexplain next week's assignment
updated :20 utc grading ldiscussion and project100% lessential lparticipate in discussion during class lpropose and report your project
updated :20 utc schedule wkdateactivity install software transcribe speech record read speech record spontaneous speech design L1 script design L1 script design L2 script design L2 script attendance mandatory wkdateactivity propose project propose project report progress report progress report project report project critique probably no class (make up day)
updated :20 utc courseware leverything online lreading material llecture notes (including this presentation) lhttp://goh.kawai.com/ lhttp://goh.cll.hokudai.ac.jp/ lhokudai library catalog of our course's textbooks lview online course offering ( シラバス )
updated :20 utc Praat lhttp:// lbuilt by researchers and engineers in linguistics and speech processing lupdated frequently lgood support base lWindows, Mac, Linux lfree
updated :20 utc what can Praat do? lrecord and play speech ldisplay waveforms, spectrograms, pitch and more llabel speech at various levels lphone, mora, syllable, word, phrase and utterance levels lSIL fonts lPraat in action
updated :20 utc demo lview praat ltime waveform lspectogram lspectral slice lsound sourcesshow praat lvowels lconsonants lpure tones (sinusoids)
updated :20 utc readings lJurafsky et al (2000) chapter 4
updated :20 utc next week linstall Praat lTIMIT sentences ldownload from my website lextract speech files from archive lread files into Praat lplay speech lview waveforms and spectograms llabel at the word level
updated :20 utc slideshow lif there's time
updated :20 utc one-stop website lhttp://goh.kawai.com/ llink to glexa lcourse material (these slides) lcontact form
updated :20 utc see you next week!