Drug Use in Sports Timeline 1935-2013 By Seth Phillips
1935 German scientist Adolf Butenandt along with other chemists create anabolic steroids to help with low testosterone.
1940-1945 Nazis use anabolic steroids on prisoners and Hitler. German soldiers use testosterone to promote physical strength and to be more aggressive. Soldiers began using the later known performance-enhancing drug Amphetamines during World War II. They used this drug to overcome fatigue, enlighten their mood and to keep up their endurance.
1950’s Athletes start using the first performance-enhancing drug Amphetamines. The Amphetamines are carried over by returning soldiers and introduced to the Italian and Danish cyclists.
1958 Dr. John Bosley Zieglar creates Dinabol. Dianbol is the first anabolic steroid that is passed by the FDA for sale in the U.S. Dianabol causes athletes to have strength building performance with little health effects. Dianabol is made for weightlifters based on testosterone used for Russian weightlifters.
Aug 26th, 1960 Knut Jensen becomes first athlete to die of doping in the Olympics. Knut Jensen was a Danish cyclist who died of an Amphetamine called “Ronicol”.
July 13th, 1967 Tommy Simpson becomes the first person to die of doping in the Tour de France. Tommy Simpson was a famous British cyclist who died of the drug Amphetamines.
Feb 1968 First drug test is performed at the Olympic Games.
May 4th, 1968 The first horse is disqualified from the Kentucky derby for using a banned substance. The horses name was dreamer and was banned for using the drug phenyibutazone .
1975 1976 Steroids are considered a banned substance. The first steroid test was performed at the Montreal Olympics . 11 athletes tested positive for steroids. 1976
Sept 27, 1988 Ben Johnson a track athlete is stripped of his gold medal . This was found out after being tested positive for using the drug stanozolo.
Nov 18th, 1988 President Reagan signs a bill making it that it’s illegal to purchase and sell steroids unless it’s for medical use.
Major League Baseball bans steroids. June 7th, 1991 Major League Baseball bans steroids.
Dec 15th, 1994 First British Common Wealth games champion runner , Diane Modahl became the first women to test positive for a performance-enhancing drug.
Nov 10th, 1999- Oct 1, 2000 World anti-Doping organization is established and U.S-anti doping organization begins operations.
Nov 7th 2003 Dwain chambers a British sprinter is banned from the Olympics for life for a positive test of THG.
Jan 19th, 2006 Bryan Berard a NHL player is the first NHL player to test positive for banned substances.
Sep 24th,2007 This day was the largest bust for steroids in U.S History. This day resulted in 124 arrests, 56 steroid labs, 11.4 million steroids were seized as well as 6.5 million$.
Jan 17, 2013 Lance Armstrong admits to doping and said that it would not be possible to win seven Tour de France’s without doping. Drug use in Sports is still widespread and athletes are still happy on using drugs to enhance performance.
Word Citations Sports Illustrated "How We Got Here: A Timeline of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports," sportsillustrated.cnn.com, Mar. 11, 2008 Timothy Noakes, MD, DSc "Tainted Glory - Doping and Athletic Performance," New England Journal of Medicine, Aug. 26, 2004 Justin Peters "The Man Behind the Juice," Slate.com, Feb. 18, 2005 NBC (National Broadcasting Corporation) "Cycling: Inside This Sport: History," www.nbcolympics.com (accessed May 13, 2009 Matt Slater "Gene Doping - Sport's Next Big Challenge," bbc.co.uk, June 12, David R. Mottram, PhD Michele Verroken, MA "Doping Control in Sport," Doping in Sports, 2005 Associated Press "Drug Scandal Robbed Dancer's Image of 1968 Kentucky Derby Title," FOXNews.com, May 3, 2008 USA TODAY "Timeline: A Century of Drugs and the Athlete," www.usatoday.com, Mar. 1, 2007 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) "On This Day," news.bbc.co.uk (accessed June 9, 2009 Shaun Assael Peter Keating "Who Knew?," ESPN the Magazine, Nov. 2005 Tom Farrey "The Memos: A Ban Ignored," ESPN the Magazine, Nov. 2005 Read Fay Vincent's memo banning steroids in baseball BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) "On This Day," news.bbc.co.uk (accessed May 29, 2009) World Anti-Doping Agency "WADA History," www.wada-ama.org (accessed June 10, 2009) US Anti-Doping Agengy (USADA) "United States Anti-Doping Agency Fact Sheet," www.usantidoping.org, Mar. 2001 USA TODAY "Chambers Banned for Life from Olympics for Positive THG Test," USA Today, Feb. 24, 2004 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) "NHL Doping Policy Slammed," CBC Sports Online, Jan. 23, 2006 US Drug Enforcement Agency "DEA Announces Largest Steroid Enforcement Action in U.S. History," Reed Albergotti And Vanessa O'Connell, "Cycling Legend Loses Titles," Wall Street Journal, Aug. 24, 2012 Website used to access a lot of information to links. http://sportsanddrugs.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=002366#II
Picture Citations Lance Armstrong riding the bicycle picture. (Drug Use in Sports Timeline) -http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/17/3886424/programming-your-body-lance-armstrong-and-doping- technology Dianabol Picture ( Drug Use in Sports Timeline) http://www.bodybuilding-supplementss.com/dianabol/dianabol-cycle/ Needle on Title Cover (Drug Use in Sports Timeline) http://www.drugfreesport.com/drug-resources/performance-enhancing-drugs-steroids.asp Tommy Simpson riding the bicycle picture (Drug use in Sports Timeline) http://pistehors.com/backcountry/wiki/Southern-Alps/Mont-Serein Major League Baseball bans steroids picture (Drug Use in Sports Timeline) http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/baseball-experts-amphetamines-ban-steroids-biggest-reason- steep-drop-offense-article-1.182105 Dwain Chambers British sprinter tested positive for THG picture ( Drug Use in Sports Timeline) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/olympics/article-2180375/London-2012-Olympics-Bans-dopers-like-Dwain- Chambers-lenient-says-chief-drugs-buster.html