Overview N.Y.E. is part of an international network of companies, laboratories and enthusiasts in the field of alternative energy and fuel additives. Our main concerns are to optimize the utilization of the current fuel sources and to develop alternatives to help protect the environment and public health. All our products are specifically designed for the local markets. It is manufactured under strict quality controlled conditions. As it is widely known, the characteristics and properties of fuels sold in Lebanon are very different from those found in developed countries. We have developed additives for Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), Diesel and Gasoline additives were made available to the public in Prior to that date, heavy testing and evaluation in various countries were taking place.
What are the “5201” Additives? They are specifically designed for local fuels They are not harmful to the engine They work on two aspects: Improve the quality of the fuel Improve the efficiency of the combustion process Provide many benefits that cannot be provided by a single additive
Problems Tackled Reduces Pour Point by more than 20 °C Cold Weather Lubricants and Octane/Cetane improvers help when the fuel is hot and thin Hot Weather Increases by >15% for gasoline and >8% for diesel (not enough data for HFO yet) Horsepower up to 40% depending on the fuel type and quality of the engine Reduces Consumption under all conditions Better StartingBetter ResponseLess Smoke and Lower Emissions Cleans deposits in the fuel system and leaves no residue that can clog injectors Cleans and Protects Reduces Wear Stabilizes FuelRemoves Water
General Benefits
This can be THREE folds: 1.Less Consumption: hundreds of tests have revealed the following results: 10-15% for local green diesel 15-25% for local red diesel >25% for other dirtier diesel found in the local market Up to 40% for gasoline Up to 20% for HFO (not enough data) 2.Less Maintenance: in the following areas (but not limited to): Filters last longer Fuel lines last longer No need for cleaning injectors Optimum efficiency in combustion 3.Usage of lower quality fuel can give the same performance as using high quality one Economical Benefits
Environmental Benefits
Usage For diesel and HFO, the mixing ratio of the additive is 0.2% or 2 per thousand. For gasoline, the mixing ratio is 0.3% or 3 per thousand Mixing takes place within 10 minutes automatically without any mechanism or tool For best results, the additive should be mixed in the proper ratios with a margin of error of ± 5%. Continuous usage on regular basis ensures all the benefits at all times
How Does it Work? 5201 modifies the combustion process to make it more efficient. It makes the fuel particles more homogeneous so that the fuel-air ratio will be optimized leading to a more efficient combustion. The figure below shows the process of ignition and fuel explosion in the cylinder. The figure to the left is taken without the additive while the one to the right is with the additive. Notice the faster propagation of the explosion.
How Does it Work? (Cont’d)
Composition 5201 Hydrocarbons IPA Special Mineral Oils Ketones 5201 Additive Formula All these ingredients are completely compatible with the fuel systems and fuel found in the market
Physical Data / Storage Melting Point-85 °C Boiling point>120 °C Flash point65 °C Specific Gravity0.84 – 0.88 Solubility100% soluble StabilityHighly stable 5201 D and 5201 F come in 20 liters special plastic containers. Store in proper shady space at ambient temperature (less than 40°C) There is no shelf-life for these products
Tests (photos below are the property of some clients) BeforeAfter Combustion chambers, Pistons, Valves, etc… are always clean if 5201 is used The injectors maybe dirty with gum deposits. Using 5201 will make them clean again With 5201, you may notice heavy smoke in the beginning of usage due to the cleaning process that is taking place. Afterwards, smoke decreases dramatically
Contacts OFFICE: 3 rd Floor – Kaline Center – Sin El Fil – Lebanon PLANT: Nahr El Mot PHONE: / (Elias Aoun – General Manager) (Salah Maalouf – Sales Representative) MAIL: – Furn El Chebbak – Baabda – Lebanon