Elisha Chiware Debbie Becker CPUT Libraries
Agenda The role of statistics in library operations and management planning Statistics and the research librarian Accessing library statistics The CPUT Library statistical database A wider view Using statistics - Faculty programme review reports The future and ISO 9000
The role of statistics in operations and management planning Strategic planning Operational level User experiences Service improvement Institutional advocacy Benchmarking with HEI libraries
Statistics and the research librarian Statistics on what? Describing & measuring the performance of your section Contribution to research, scholarship and community services in your university Collection size and strength Number of postgraduate students and researchers Frequency of library visits and requests for assistance Trends in library use
Statistics and the research librarian User trends; Statistics Research support librarian Library management use: Annual report Feedback to faculty Library advocacy – to resource allocators More support Improved facilities; Increase post graduate research outputs
Your feedback to faculty/departments Usage trends of library resources by postgraduate students Providing research committees with essential data on Post Graduate / Researchers’ information use and behaviour Following up on your researchers’ research output e.g. using the standard platforms like Scopus, Web of knowledge Is the research output of any significance to the community? Statistics and the research librarian
Accessing library Statistics Statistics as a tool Statistical database Open software Commercial In-house
Statistical database recording of annual statistics inputting of monthly statistics “official” library statistics access a variety of statistics in one place access to statistics via reports
The approach to database design CHELSA Measures for quality in SA HEI Libraries CHELSA Guide to self-review of University Libraries 2006 In-house requirements ISO 2789 compliance (standard for the collection of statistical data)
The database Two components: CHELSA data Accessible to all Institutions Institutional data set up per institution access restricted to institution
Main features Security Data Reports Automated alert system Documents Help
Data entry Data input RoleDateCategoryFacultyBranch
Data entry Staff member inputs data per counter Counters available are based on access permissions A detailed explanation is provided for each counter All data input can be retrieved via reports
Statistics – General
CHELSA reports Available to all Institutions Viewership restricted based on access permissions within the institution Can view selected years per institution Can select which Institutions you want to view
Statistics – General
Statistics - Queries
Statistics - Budget
Statistics - Databases
Statistics – E-Books
Statistics – Professional development
Statistics – Training
A wider view CHELSA IATUL community African Academic Libraries
Faculty programme reviews
Faculty review statistics
Faculty reviews - Library usage Example of the number of items circulated per user type within the department
Process Report includes: department budget allocation, ILL, database usage, training statistics, etc. Librarians provide comment and insight Taken to University Quality Assurance Department for input Approved by Deans
The future and ISO 9000 Focus on client satisfaction Focus on value – Return on Investment Well-kept statistics Resources Training Monitor usage
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