Word Splash reasonable quotient approximate product factor dividend estimate
Rounding Estimating Multiplication & Division
I Round/Estimate w/ Mult. & Div.Word Bank Key ConceptsIllustration
Round - Estimate 0bjective 4.5b The student is expected to: Use strategies including rounding and compatible #s to estimate solutions to multiplication & division problems.
Word Bank Round Estimate factorround productreasonable dividendapproximate divisorestimate quotientcompatible numbers
Vocabulary factor – facts to multiply product – answer to multiplication problem dividend – number being divided divisor – number dividing the dividend quotient – answer to division problem round – to estimate a # to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, etc. reasonable – able to reason; could it be true approximate – another word for estimate estimate – n. an answer that is close to the exact answer. v. to guess about compatible numbers – pairs of numbers that can be computed mentally ( is close to , so the estimate is 50. 3,720/6 is close to 3,600/6, so the estimate is 600.)
Rounding song Estimate (about, about) Means rounding (about, about) Approximate (about, about) Means rounding (about, about) First you Round – Then you ADD (about, about) First you Round – Then you SUBTRACT (about, about) First you Round – Then you MULTIPLY (about, about) First you Round – Then you DIVIDE (about, about)
Rounding chant Find the place Underline it Go next door And circle it 5 or more Give underline a score 4 or less Give underline a rest
Round - estimate 0 1,000
I Round – Estimate w/ Mult. & Div.Word Bank Key ConceptsIllustration Create a 5 sentence story using 3 Word Bank words Illustrate your story using 3 or more colors & give it a background