Getting Techie with Your Kids! Come see what apps/technology you can use with your kids!
Select Your Device ●Desktop Computer ●Laptop Computer ●iPad/Tablet ●iPhone/Android/Smartphone ●iTouch/iPods ●Wii/X-Box Kinect/Apple TV
Educational Use of Devices ●Teachers/Parents can make learning “fun!” ●Children learn through play. ●Students are more likely to be engaged longer with a device. ●Parents/students can use devicesto reinforce skills learned at school or to practice skills learned at school. ●Many games/programs can help parents track student’s progress on educational skills.
●BrainPop ESL ●Google Docs ●Comic Life ●iPad Apps (Puppet Pals) ●Clips from Websites ●PowerPoints Some “Technology” Used at School
Websites ● (Reading) ● (ELL Family Website) ● (Math and Language Arts) ● (Spanish website for learning English) ● (Math) ● (Literacy, math, and Science) ● (Language Arts for ELL Learners) ● (Translation)
●Starfall (Reading) ●Story Kit (Reading and Writing) ●Emotions (Vocabulary) ● (Dictionary) ●iwritewords (Letters to Words) ●Multiplication Genius (Math) ●Subtraction!! (Math) ●Google Translate Apps
● ●All public libraries have ebooks that can be checked out. EBooks
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