Thursday 10/8 Hand in social studies homework: MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON ITHand in social studies homework: MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT Go through timeline.


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Presentation transcript:

Thursday 10/8 Hand in social studies homework: MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON ITHand in social studies homework: MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT Go through timeline basicsGo through timeline basics Work on Rome Refresher from AtlasWork on Rome Refresher from Atlas You have no HW; unless you did not have the work that was due todayYou have no HW; unless you did not have the work that was due today

The Passing of Time I hope that somehow this is very dramatic BC BCE AD CE ACDC?

Abbreviations B.C.= Before ChristB.C.= Before Christ –Over 2009 years ago A.D.= Anno Domine,A.D.= Anno Domine, –Latin for “The Year of Our Lord,” –Refers to when Jesus Christ was born –Does not stand for After Death In history, we know that Jesus existedIn history, we know that Jesus existed But not all people believe he was the messiah, or saviorBut not all people believe he was the messiah, or savior

Abbreviations So, we have other terms to refer to the same periods of time, that do not reference ChristSo, we have other terms to refer to the same periods of time, that do not reference Christ B.C.E.= Before the Common EraB.C.E.= Before the Common Era C.E.= Common EraC.E.= Common Era B.C.=B.C.E. B.C.=B.C.E. A.D.=C.E. A.D.=C.E.

ACDC= A Hard Rock Band

Timeline Basics: Doing the Math All dates to the left of 1 AD are BC /BCEAll dates to the left of 1 AD are BC /BCE –BC/BCE years decrease as they move right toward 1 AD –It’s like a countdown. The Final Countdown!!! All years to the right of 1 AD are AD or CEAll years to the right of 1 AD are AD or CE –AD/CE years increase as they move right

Fall of Rome Ancient History Birth of Jesus Middle Ages 1 AD 476 AD Timeline Basics: Doing the Math Egypt is way back, like seriously far back You. Yeah, you. You are over 1500 years past the fall of Rome. Roman Republic Founded 509 BC

Fall of Rome Ancient History Middle Ages Renaissance Modern Era 476 AD1500 The Timeline for Our Year The focus of this year’s social studies class will be within the last 2009 years (AD/CE)The focus of this year’s social studies class will be within the last 2009 years (AD/CE) The main period of time we will study is referred to as the Middle Ages or Medieval TimesThe main period of time we will study is referred to as the Middle Ages or Medieval Times Ancient history ends and the middle ages begin with the fall of the Western Roman Emperor in 476 ADAncient history ends and the middle ages begin with the fall of the Western Roman Emperor in 476 AD