BY ALII L 1 st Diploma, Media
Nesquick Milkshake I feel that this advert is targeted at young people for example children aged between Because it includes a animated image of a friendly, cheerful and happy rabbit named Nesquick. It also refers to a ‘happy place’ therefore it would make you, your child and the parent if they are purchasing it Happy. Who doesn’t want to be happy! It is incising young people to want to be like the rabbit. Although, I feel that the ‘win $10,000’ is aimed at the parents and would be a big encouragement for them to purchase the product especially if their child is asking for it. Therefore I feel that the advert is aimed at both young children and parents. The Bottle of the soft drink bold and bright and uses eye catching colours. The colour yellow is an happy and lifting colour unlike reds, dark blues or blacks. This yellow in particular is soft and calm. The browns represent the ‘chocolate’ flavour drink and also contrasts well with the yellow. I feel that the Nesquick bottle is tonal. Although, the royal blue title is a nice finish and adds a splash of colour. It stands out above the colour design but doesn’t detach from the drink. The royal blue ‘Nesquick title is a nice sized, catchy and slightly slanted font and the colour also relates well with the logo. ‘The Nesquick Rabbit’ as the title ‘Nesquick’ Matches with the ‘N’ on the rabbits chest. I feel that young children would recognize and pay more attention to the colours and logo/images rather than the information. Also, the brown represents clearly that it is a ‘chocolate’ flavoured soft drink. Overall, I feel that this soft drink includes ‘Nurture’ as the cuddly rabbit could appeal to a young Childs caring side and influence then into buying it. Also, I think that winning $10,000 and mentioning the words ‘happy place’ could suggest some kind of escape. A break that most parents full time or working would very much appreciate. Carefully and cleverly the designer entwined both target markets an managed to create an advert convincing both parents and young children to want/purchase this product.
COCA COLA I have analyzed this advert and I feel that it’s target market is children ( 8+) and adults. I think this because the overall appearance and style is quite mature and edgy. It doesn't contain animation images and childish quotes which are common on a lot of kids adverts nowadays. The type is bold and stands out above the background image. The font and slogan ‘Tempting… isn’t it!’ is a rhetorical question as well therefore young people may not necessary understand the concept of it. This advert doesn’t contain a lot of content however, the content that this advert shows is effective. It clearly shows what the drink looks like, traditional colours and a tempting slogan. The logo is also been placed at the bottom and the label on the bottle so it doesn’t distract you from what the advert is representing. I feel that many as the logo is very popular and well known nowadays. However, I feel that this advert represents the drink well, as it clearly shows the ‘drink’. Although, nowadays the bottled ‘Coca Cola’ isn't the most common form to purchase it. You mostly find see it in plastic bottles and cans. It is still the traditional way and cola very often show the glass bottle. I feel that this may relate to the target market (adults) as they would not be advertising ‘glass’ to young children as it wouldn’t be very safe and may cause the company a lot of problems. However, if they had chose more subtle colours for example a pastel pink and blue it would completely change the overall appearance and target market. I feel that the colour they chose represents their brand well as it creates a diverse, edgy and noticeable advert and overall appeals to a wide target market. I think that this advert is beauty appeal as it wants you to think that is a nice, delicious, light and tempting drinking ‘Coca Cola’ is. ‘TEMPTING… ISN’T IT’ Cola was originally intended as a patent medicine when it was invented in the late 19th century by John Pemberton, Coca-Cola was bought out by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, whose marketing tactics led Coke to its dominance of the world soft- drink market throughout the 20th century Although I find that this advert is clear and represents the product well I do not feel that my advert would contain a similar layout and style as it would work well with selling a smoothie. The colours would not do my product any favours as this advert is quite dull and I feel that I need bright colours if I was to sell the product I am creating.
Innocent Smoothie ! I chose to evaluate a smoothie advert as I wanted to research a similar soft drink to mine as I can compare and examine the differences. I feel that this smoothie is targeted at all ages because they produce there drinks in cartons for young children lunch boxes, bottles for teenagers and adults for work or college or generally on the move. They also package their smoothies in a larger size for everyday family's at home. I think that the name of the product ‘Innocent’ relates to mainly children because they are generally referred to as gentle, sweet and angelic. Also, I feel that the name could relate to what's in the drink, there are no added sugars of colours and are just full of goodness. The smoothie is harmless. The colours in this advert are bright, bold and positive colours to suggest nothing but a healthy fruity drink. This advert contains a lot of different ideas, although nothing distracts you from the drink or what the advert is about ‘innocent smoothie’. However, the other 2 adverts I have studied so far were generally quite plain, simple and managed to create basic colour scheme. Overall I feel that the advert represents the smoothie well and manages to use illustrations to show what the smoothie is about. The choice of colours make this advert stand out among many other soft drink adverts similar to this, as I briefly researched several online. They layout of this advert is also very basic and in portion. I am really fond of the style of the advert and feel that the drink has been demonstrated in an effective way. Escape is the main element to this advert as the lovely setting of the advert makes you feel as if you will feel like its a happy and fresh day. Although there is also slight nurture as it makes you think and care about what's going into your body.
Silk Cut This is a intelligence advert representing silk cut cigarettes. They have cleverly alternated the name into an image. This would make the people look twice and think about what this advert is representing. The advertising company had decided to use a layer of ‘silk’ with scissors to ‘cut’ through it. This reads ‘silk cut’. By making people look twice at this advert it may help them remember the product more. I also feel that they are more eye catching and noticeable over many other advert techniques. Nethertheless, by using a intelligence advert people would generally have to know a little something about the product to fully understand the advert. I feel the target market for this advert is ‘people that smoke cigarettes’ because the advert is trying to sell ‘silk cut’ cigarettes. However the ages can range as different countries have different legal limits. Although all people over 21 can buy these. I think that the colours represent the overall cigarettes well as they represent the colours of the packaging ‘Purple and White’ although purple is the vivid colour out of the two. However, I feel that they should have changed the background colour to white as it would have made the foreground image stand out more. Overall, I am fond of this advert and the style In which the advertising company has produced the idea and interpreted their product. I feel that they have structured the advert well and related it as cleverly and clear as possible.
L'Oreal Glam Shine This advert is representing a Glam Shine lip gloss by L’Oreal. As you can see they have chosen to use Cheryl Cole within there adverts. This is called Celebrity Endorsement. By using Cheryl Cole many people would be encouraged to purchase this product. She is a very well known, popular and beautiful celebrity who was also voted one of the top sexiest woman. Most young woman would want to look like her. This advert also contains peer approval which means that the advert is giving off the impression that if you wear the Glam Shine Lip Gloss then you will have luscious lips like Cheryl Cole and begin to look like her. People that purchase this item may also feel that they could become popular and liked as much as what Cheryl Cole is. Beauty Appeal plays an important part in this advert also as, every woman wants to feel beautiful and sexy. In this advert Cheryl Cole shows that this Lip Gloss will make you look pretty and attractive to many therefore, it will make people that purchase this product feel like the lip gloss will look just as good on them as it does on the celebrity endorsement (Cheryl Cole). The target market for this advert is for females. The lip gloss could be targeted at all ages however, I feel that this advert in particular is aimed at young girls and woman ranging between 15 – 30 years old. The advert is aimed at females because of the product we can tell this by the celebrity endorsement and feminine colours used. Also the brightness and overall look and layout of this particular advert. The colours used are tonal and ranges from oranges to purples. They are bright and blend together well. I feel that the colours have specifically been ordered to not distract from one another. This is necessary when creating an advert. Overall the advert looks happy, soft, stylish and glowing and reflects well upon the product.