Puritanism Kesiya Cherian 1 st period
Literary period
Puritans had a purpose for their writing To transform thier god, since he is not present in this world. Used their writing to make the god more revelent and also to glorify him. Themes for puritans writings were Idealism, both religious and political and Pragmaticism, practicality and purposiveness.
Literary period Example of puritan writing is the Scarlet letter. In ther it showed the rules and regulation puritans had for their community. It described how they were expected to live and lead a life
Liteary period Showed the amount of impact church had on thier daily life Society followed conduct of church, and none over ride their opinions Puritans defined and employed sympathy in a variety of writings, explicating it from biblical passages and enjoining it on followers as necessary to the godly life
Religious Elements Puritanism began early(c.1560) in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I as a movement for religious reform. Puritans were a group of people who grew discontent in the church of England and worked towards religious, moral and societal reforms.
Religious Elements. They also believed that the church of England had become a product struggles and man-made doctrines. Religious exclusiveness was the foremost principle of their society their spiritual beliefs that they held were strong
Religious Elements Since god was forefront of their minds, he was to motivate all of their actions. This worked both for them and against them. he common unity strengthened the community and their spiritual bond made them sympathetic to each others needs
Social Elements
Puritans had a great impact on their society. Their way of life was strictly based on the puritan values their government, their daily life was structured based on the church
Social Elements They gave church a lot of importance Salem witch trials broke out, and they were much against the practice of witch craft Puritans believed that their religious purity and salvation could be achieved through self –discipline, self-improvement and hard work.
Social Elements strong self awareness and led the way for the development of individualism in colonial America strengthened puritans self awareness to perfect oneself
Political Elements
Puritanism layed the foundation for American democracy Mayflower Compact of 1620 led to the birth of early American democracy Puritan belief that communities were formed by covenants produced America’s first democratic institution, the town meeting.
Political Elements Decisions were made by majority rule. There was no rigid hierarchy in church. An element of American culture, which shaped the values of American people
Political Elements Individualism, egalitarianism, optimism, can find their origin in Puritanism of colonial periods Contributed a lot to the establishment of American democracy.
Artistic Elements People express their faith as art Use their technology and environment as a medium Art form was the theater of the pulpit
Artistic Elements Puritan architecture was limited by time, the lack of tooling and labor. Wrote poems to express their daily life Talked about their life and daily routine based on the church
Artistic Elements Believed poems shouldnt be for pleasure, but to inform themselves about the values and morals they follow. Typical skills of an English village being reflected in the building
Puritan architecture