National Statistical Office, Thailand 2-6 December 2013, Hanoi, Viet Nam Census Evaluation
Conducted by Ministry of Interior, called “Household Census” Conducted by National Statistical Office 1970 Added Housing 100 th Anniversary of Thai Population Census th Anniversary of Thai Population Census Summary of Population and Housing census
“ Everyone is counted ” in the 2010, Population and Housing Census : A big challenge in the decade
4 1. Improve field operation in big cities 2. Increase local people and organizations participation 3. Solve the problem on international migration 4. Improve data capturing/processing/ dissemination system 5. Improve quality control 100th Anniversary Population Census in Thailand 2010 Population and Housing census
5 Census Objective To collect basic information on population and living quarters To provide data for small administrative units To measure changes of population and living quarters over 10 years 2010 Population and Housing census
6 Population Pyramid MaleFemale Male Female
2010 MaleFemale
8 To provide user with a level of confidence when utilizing the data The objectives of the census data evaluation ; Measure accuracy of the census data To explain errors in the census results To improve the quality of the next census Used of products of evaluation ; Identify source of error (non-sampling error) 2010 Population and Housing census
9 The census evaluation program carried out by NSO. ; Organization of evaluation Social Statistical Bureau Statistical Forecasting Bureau Policy and Statistical Technique Bureau (Population Statistical Group) (Statistical Evaluation Group) 2010 Population and Housing census (To analysis specific item)
10 Methods used to evaluate census data Demographic analysis of census results Census data was evaluated by using ●Analysis of internal consistency check Comparison with other household surveys (tabulation, age-sex distribution, age pyramid) ●Using previous censuses (population growth, balancing equation,..) Comparison with administrative record 2010 population and housing census
11 Methods used to evaluate census data Post enumeration survey (PES) ●Sample Design : Stratified One-Stage Sampling ●Matching results ●Listing : evaluated coverage error ●Enumeration : evaluated content error ●To measure level of both coverage and content errors (age, sex, marital status, completed education) (sample unit was enumeration area : EA : 2,159 EA) Census data was evaluated by using 2010 population and housing census
12 Report of Population Projections for Thailand, ; estimated base on the 2010 census results There was a significant improvement in the reporting of the age-sex structure of the population used in related products Main results of evaluate census data Evaluation of age-sex structure: 2010 population and housing census
13 Internal evaluation of marital status data showed high consistency in the distribution of the population by marital status (which represented by the population who were single, married, widowed and divorced). External evaluation of marital Status data showed consistency of marital status data in the 2010 census with the data of 2009 Reproductive Health Survey. Evaluation of marital status data : Main results of evaluate census data 2010 population and housing census
14 Evaluation of employment data: Main results of evaluate census data There was consistency between employment data in the 2010 census and the labor force survey according to the different characteristic of Employed, Unemployed person Work status Industry sector 2010 population and housing census
15 Challengers in conducting census data evaluation Developing Post - Enumeration survey Technic ●Matching exercise ●Adjust census figure 2010 population and housing census ●Tool for using to collect data (manual to computer)
population and housing census PES : Main results of evaluate census data Net Coverage error rate :NCR Coverage error Completeness rate :CR Household Net Coverage error rate :NCR Completeness rate :CR Population 2.3 % 77 % 4.0 % 72 %
population and housing census PES : Main results of evaluate census data Degree of Agreement :DA Content error Age Degree of Agreement :DA Level of ED. Attainment Degree of Agreement :DA Marital status Degree of Agreement :DA SEX more than 80% Less than 80%
18 Thank You for Your Attention
19 Data collection using Data collection period 1-30 September 2010 Census 2010 : the first time that NSO has several channels for people to fill in their information 1. Face-to-face interview 2. Self-enumeration ( Drop off and Pick up or mail back) 3. Internet 4. Phone interview (Multi Modal Method) Census Data Collection
20 Census Publicity Materials Wall & Table calendar, Car sticker, and others New Year Card Car sticker Shopping bag Plastic fan Jacket, Cap, Bag
21 Solve the problem on international migration Developing a survey technique and outreach strategy for incorporating migrant population in Thailand’s National Census,2010. : Pilot study under technical assistance(2008) by World Bank and IOM Planning for 2010 PHC
22 Improve Data Capture/ Processing &Dissemination System Increse the use of ICR Develop more user-friendly system : Census Info, Data Warehouse Publish more analytical papers : collaborate research with academic institutions Establish network with academic institutions :create more in-depth analysis of PHC results Promote the use of PHC at national, provincial and local levels Planning for 2010 PHC
23 Quality Control 1) Intensive training: theoretical and practical ( 4 days) 2) Field supervisors monitor the data collection process - Re-interviews (2 households/EA) - Field edit checks of the data for completeness and consistency 3) Scanning of the questionnaire using ICR 4) Centralized editing for data correction (Manual and Machine Editing) 5) Post Enumeration Survey (PES) Planning for 2010 PHC
After the completion of the census data collection, a post enumeration survey (PES) was carried out by the National Statistical Office (except Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Samut Prakan, and Samut Sakhon). A stratified one-stage sampling was adopted in each area (systematic sampling) ; the selected samples were 2,159 enumeration areas. The purposes of the PES were to determine the completeness and the accuracy and to evaluate the coverage error and the content error of the census data.