Tenses Tense is derived from latin word ‘tempus’ meaning time Tenses - 3 types Present tense Past tense Future tense
Forms of verbs Regular verbs To change them to past tense…. Add t, d or ed eg. Talk, live, deal Talked, lived, dealt Irregular verbs They don’t have any rules for changing original to past tense eg. Arise-arose, be – was/were, blow-blew, dig-dug etc.
Five forms to verbs PresentPastPast participle Present participle Infinitive Deal Dealt DealingTo deal Bear BoreBorneBearingTo bear Become BecameBecomeBecomin g To become Choose ChoseChosenChoosingTo choose Draw DrewDrawnDrawingTo draw Awake AwokeAwakenAwakingTo awake
Present tense Present indefinite Present continuous Present perfect Present perfect continuous Eghe plays He is playing He has played He has been playing for 3 hours
Singular/plural I personII personIII person I /WeYouHe, she, it, name Singular Number Plural NumberSingular Number Plural Number IWeItIT You BrotherBrothers She, HeTheyApplicantApplicants
Use of Present indefinite in various situations Eternal truth The sun rises in the east. Birds fly. Everyday/routine work I get up early in the morning My mother goes to temple everyday. Direct Narration when reporting verb is in simple present tense then there will not be any change Ram tells that Shyam was playing cricket. He says that it will rain tomorrow.
With verbs eg. See, hear, think, have, look, appear, seem, belong etc. I hear, they are going to USA next year. I see her enjoying the picnic. Sentences starting with ‘Here’ or ‘There’ exclamatory sentences There she lives! Here comes the train!
Newspaper headlines Thief escapes, cricket match draws. Planned Future action Our college opens in the month of march With words likealways, never, occasionally, often, usually etc She always speaks the truth With words whenever, when whenever it rains, the roof leaks when you open the window, a light comes.
Excercise PresentPastPast participle Present participle Infinitive Kick Lie Send Swim Tread Undergo Sow Ring Shake Swear