E quality between Women and Men in the EU: recent developments 11th LPR Network seminar Tallinn, September 2014 Muriel Bissières, European Commission DG Justice Gender Equality Unit
Overview of the situation after European Parliament election and changes in the European Commission Recent development in the framework of the European strategy for equality between women and men Emerging challenges
1 - Overview of the situation after European Parliament election and changes in the European Commission
Overview of the situation in the European Parliament Men and women distribution by opening sessions
Overview of the situation in the European Commission
2 - Recent development in the framework of the European strategy for equality between women and men
Equal economic independence Equal pay for equal work and work of equal value Equality in decision-making Dignity, integrity and an end to gender-based violence Gender equality in external actions Horizontal issues Strategy for equality between women and men
Progress towards genuine gender equality has been made, but at a slow rate. At this rate of change, it will take… 30 years to reach the EU’s target of 75% of women in employment almost 40 years to ensure that housework is equally shared over 70 years to make equal pay a reality
Male and female employment rates Since 2000 the female employment rate has increased thanks to targeted policies. The gender employment gap shrank as a direct consequence of the economic crisis which affected particularly male dominated sectors. Equal economic independence
Much of the pre-crisis increase in female employment related to part-time employment The share of men working part-time is small (8%), whereas almost a third of employed women across Europe work part-time (32%) This figure is above 40% in the UK, Germany, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. Part-time employment tends to be more irreversible for women As a result, the gender gap in full-time equivalent employment is wide (18.3pp in 2013).
Even though men devote more time to paid work, women work in total 60 hours a week, 10 hours more than men, spending on average 26 hours on caring activities, compared with 9 hours spent by men. Average time spent by workers on paid and unpaid work per week Source: European Survey on Working Conditions (2010)
Young children Children in school- age Elderly / dependant relative affordable and high quality care services adequate family- related leave flexible work arrangements Reconciliation between work and private life, a global approach : ♀ ♂
Harmonising pensionable ages (BG, AT, HR, RO) Remove fiscal disincentives (NL, IT, DE) Improving the availability, affordability and quality of childcare services (AT, CZ, EE, DE, IE, IT, PL, RO, SK, UK) Improve provision of long-term care services (IT, AT) Promote flexible working arrangements (MT) Promoting gender equality in the EU2020 strategy : 2014 European Semester: CSRs related to female labour market participation for 14 MS
Reviewing the EU2020 strategy : a gender equality pillar ? 05 May 2014 Launch of the public consultation 31 October 2014 close of the public consultation Mid-term review of Europe 2020 early 2015 Council conclusions of 19 June 2014 on "Women and the economy: Economic independence from the perspective of part-time work and self-employment"
3,2billions euros for childcare Encouraging developments in - Hungary - Poland - Malta with the contribution of the European Structural and Investment Funds Encouraging use of the structural funds
Monitoring legislation Revised parental leave directive Maternity leave directive Working time directive
Monitoring the Barcelona targets In EU 25
Recent developments on the Gender Pay Gap Report on the application of Directive 2006/54/EC March 2014 : Commission Recommendation on strengthening the principle of equal pay between men and women through y Equal pay for equal work and work of equal value
Equality in economic decision making recent developements 40% target for non- executive directors Binding rules on a transparent selection process In companies listed on stock exchanges By 1 January 2020 or 2018 for public undertakings; The European Commission's proposal (November 2012) Equality in decision-making
The first EU-wide survey on violence against women, carried out by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA ) One in three women (33%) has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of % of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner. 55% of women in the EU have been confronted with some form of sexual harassment since the age of 15. One in 20 women (5%) has been raped since the age of 15. Dignity, integrity and an end to gender-based violence
3- Emerging challenges
Stereotypes including in young ages the return of sexism? The involvment and engagement of young generation
Engaging men and boys in the gender equality movement
The specific situation of certain groups
Any questions ? Where's the mechanic?