Red Horse Black Horse 2 nd Seal 3 rd Seal Green Horse 4 th Seal 1 st Seal White Horse The 1 st Four Seals of Seven in Revelation are opened by Jesus 2 nd Horse3 rd Horse4 th Horse1 st Horse These Four Horses of the Apocalypse are From Satan White Horse Behold a White Horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given to him and he went forth conquering... 1 st Horse 1 st Horse of THE APOCOLYPSE
Those in this Kingdom are doomed to eternal darkness & death in the Lake of Fire! These love themselves! 1 ST SEAL SATANISDOOMEDSATANISDOOMEDO JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD TWO ENDTIME KINGDOMS ON THE EARTH TWO ENDTIME KINGDOMS ON THE EARTH Kingdom of Darkness Satan’s Kingdom 1 ST SEAL Kingdom of Light Those in this Kingdom inherit eternal life in the light & presence of God! These LOVE GOD! Yahwah’s Kingdom LIFE DEATH 1 st Seal White Horse Rev.6:2 1 st S eal World Many people of the World and of the Kingdom of Yah know that something is just not right, but really can’t put a finger on it. New Age Tribulation Period Some of the world believe a New Age is Dawning and some in the Kingdom of Yah believe that the Tribulation Period could soon be upon the world! The 1 st Seal Lamb And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. The 1 st Seal White Horse And I saw, and behold a White Horse, and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him; and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Tried in the furnace
The Last Days CHART OF THE BOOK of REVELATION & The End of the World! Charting the New World Order CHRIST RETURNS 1 st Horse 1 st Horse 2 nd 3rdTHEENDT IMES 1 st Seal White Horse Rev.6:2 Rev.6:2 WHITE HORSE This white horse rider with a crown continues to gallop conquering with a bow without arrows! In the name of Peace! 1 ST SEAL Rev. 6:2 WHITE HORSE OF THE APOCOLYPSE The rider on it goes forth conquering with a bow & he had no arrows!! Notice he doesn’t have any arrows which I believe means that he doesn’t conquer by WAR but through PEACE TREATIES!! United Nations Statue? 1 st SEAL Rev. 6:2 WHITE HORSE OF THE APOCOLYPSE The rider on it goes forth conquering with a bow & he had no arrows!! This is the emblem for the CFR Council on Foreign Relations 1 st SEAL Foreign Affairs What is the CFR? Council on Foreign Relations On November 25, in an issue of its own publication, Foreign Affairs "Foreign Affairs", Study No.7, the C.F.R. detailed its own exact purpose as: 1 st SEALCFR What is the CFR? In their own Words! “Advocating the building of a new international order which may be responsible to world aspirations for peace, and for social and economic change.....and international order including states labeling themselves as Socialist (Communist)." 1 Who are these people? 1 st SEALCFR Who are these people? The merger of Communism, invented by the British, with Capitalism, invented by them also, has always been the aim of the Illuminati. 1 st SEALCFR Fascism-a system of government characterized by rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of the opposition (unions, other, especially leftist parties, minority groups, etc.), the retention of private ownership of the means of production under centralized governmental control, belligerent nationalism and racism, glorification of war, etc. first instituted in Italy in See also Nazism. This is exactly what the Illuminati/Masons promote. 1 st SEALCFR The one world government is really Fascism. It will have a dictator, and it is the Antichrist, and eventually Lucifer also. The Illuminati are deluded to think that they will really own or take possession of the earth. Satan is and will use them for his own devices, as they are only his pawns. There will certainly, eventually be a centralized government who will own everything, but Satan and the Antichrist will be the dictators of it, but they will have ten kings under them. 1 st SEALCFR Communism and Capitalism will become One in the hands of Satan. 1 st SEALCFR Communism and Capitalism will become One in the hands of Satan. Red & Black Come together under the rule of the White Horse Of the United Nations 1 st SEALCFR 3 Colors of the first three horses of the Apocalypse COINCEDENCE? This was the previous attempt for world domination, but again the United States won the war again!! Something about those 13 colonies. However the two colors white & blue of the UN is no coincidence either! 1 st SEALRED? The Red, White and Blue of the United States will go under the UN Blue (US military power) and White UN which is Communistic/Socialistic or Red! The Red is hidden (from the deceived citizens) behind the White (UN) and the Military power (Blue) it will have! More on this in the 2nd Angel 1 st SEAL The First 6 Seals Birthpangs Birthpangs Of the Seven Seals These birthpangs of the Manchild are pangs of allowing Christ to be formed in them and their mentally coming out of the things of the world -BABYLON RED? Remember the American Revolution The Red coats (Great Britain) Against the Blue coats (13 colonies) Also called the Bluebloods or the elite aristocracy!! They had Blue Blood!! Which is what the workers of the world are against. They want a redistribution of the wealth, but they are deceived into believing they will get it!!! 1 st SEAL JESUS IS LORDJESUS IS LORD Chart of the Book of Revelation Chart of the Book of Revelation