To create short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes, which may be live action or animated or a combination of both, together with two of the following three options: A poster for the film; A radio trailer for the film; A film magazine review page featuring the film. Response To Brief My response to the brief is quite confident as I feel that I have developed my skills well in the past year and feel confident with the technology. After researching about a short film I feel that I could complete the task well.
Short film is a technical description originally coined in the North American film industry in the early period of cinema. The description is now used almost interchangeably with short subject. Either term is often abbreviated to short. A trailer for a feature length film is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a "short" for the complete film. What is a short film? A person that is likely to produce a film short could be someone who doesn’t have A lot of money to spend on the film, or could be someone who is new the film industry And has a passion to make films and in the near future have a successful career in it. Although someone could make a short film on an educational purpose for example for a Film studies project or a media studies project.
The usual characteristics of a short film are that they tend to be low budget and they mainly cast infamous actors and actresses. They can be different by the genre, the background music, the editing and the special effects. They do not consist of a lot of dialogue. Have few amount of characters, mainly 2-3 actors/actresses. They have a small number of cast, and there is usual a twist towards the end of the film.
A short film can be funded by the UK films council, sponsors and companies who fund in short films to fill slots. ‘The short film completion fund’ also provides financial support for short films that shows potential, but lack of funds to produce the films themselves. I have researched the UK Film Council website and I found out that they have a helping policy that if you are in need of money to help fund your short film then you are entitled to a certain amount which you can apply for. The policy is called “New Cinema Fund” which helps to support the short film financially. Around 70,000 has been available to borrow from the film council in order to support projects. They could go to film festivals and present a proposal or a presentation to lure potential investors
Short films are mostly used in schools for educational purposes. They are also shown at film festivals They are used as T.V adverts and fillers (this is when there is a space of 5 minutes and they put on a short film). The audience really depends on the genre of the short film People who are living in Britain, as the British Film industry is the one that makes more short films than the Hollywood Industry, as the British film industry lacks financial support
Short films are normally screened in small niche theatres, short films are also shown in large cinemas before the main film during the previews. Film shorts are most likely to be screened in at film festivals around the world. These are events where films are specially screened to audiences. Nowadays, short films are distributed on popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube. The film is then accessible to a wide audience to see, and viewers can post comments, criticism and the producer can know what the audience view is. Film Festivals is where short films are mostly exhibited. Filmmakers and critics gather here to exhibit and judge their work.
When people are in need of a certain amount of money to produce their film shorts they can get in contact with the film council. This is also where you can get bursaries and grants. I have researched the UK Film Council website and I found out that they have a helping policy that if you are in need of money to help fund your short film then you are entitled to a certain amount which you can apply for. The policy is called “New Cinema Fund” which helps to support the short film financially. Around 70,000 has been available to borrow from the film council in order to support projects. You could go to film festivals and present a proposal or a presentation to lure potential investors to gain money for funding.
The key to success of a short film is getting the plot/ storyline across to the audience in less than 20 minutes. It should have a reason, for a moral for the film and should make the audience feel some kind of emotion. The storyline should be interesting. Also I think that a good short film has a surprise ending with a twist at the end which the audience wasn’t going to expect as it keeps them guessing throughout the film.
This film short is about the two former school students, and one of them has a grudge because he used to get bullied by him; and comes back to find him with revenge. __________________________________________________________________ One of the former school students is a black man impersonates to be a delivery man for a couch. He has the former school bully strapped to the chair while he is strapped with this childhood memories' that still gives him nightmares. ___________________________________________________________
It was funded by the UK Film Council's New Cinema Fund's Digital Shorts scheme and was distributed by Short Circuit Films. The film shows that people are not so quick to forgive and forget, and revenge is a strong feeling. He is there to give him a ‘stripe’ like the one the former bully gave him when he was younger on his arm by a compass because he would not give the bully a can of coke and now he wants to give him a little piece of what he had to carry around for 15 years a ‘Stripe’. __________________________________________________________________
Good points : Unexpected twist at the end Strong consistent theme Used a basic idea Kept it short, did not try to compress a long film into a short one Bad points : The idea was a bit over the top I didn’t like the way the victim was at the end seen as a bad guy. I think that the whole torture scene was very over the top and made us feel sorry for the original bad guy. _________________________
Hard Labour is a 10 minute long drama made in It was set in South East London and was directed by Oliver Krimpas. A nanny falls pregnant with her employers baby at the same time the employers wife is pregnant. She pretends to keep the baby just to rinse out the employees money, then at the end we find out she had the baby aborted months ago and she ends up stealing the other baby. It was funded by UK Film Council's New Cinema Fund in association with Lighthouse. Distributed by Short Circuit Films. This short film is also about revenge and shows just how far someone will go to get something they truly believe is theirs.
Good points: Complex storyline – Made it very different Used only 3 main characters I liked the fact that even though the woman stole the baby, we still felt that she was the good one at the end of the short film. I felt that it was quite realistic. Bad points: Complex storyline – Didn’t really understand but was clear at the end. _________________________
The film starts by showing a black crow, which instantly triggers negative emotions running through the audiences head, as the crow suggests death and horror with the audience. The scene starts with a medium close-up of the empty field, showing the sign of where they are which is blowing from the wind. The sign looks dark and worn out suggesting that maybe nobody goes there and it is a deserted place, again starts to make the audience think what is going to happen next in the film and keep them guessing.
There are two main elements of the scene which suggest the story, the mobile phone and the underwear, covered in blood. And then the scene shows a woman who is struggling, the audience is not sure about what is going to happen or what has happened but automatically they think that the women has been under attack and on her own. It leaves the audience curious and wanting to carry on watching. We then find out that she has actually had a baby. I think that the main twist of the film gives a relief to the audience as they have been attached the women and here feelings and what was going on.