S TATISTICS 3000 Film Festivals in the world 9,706 film festivals have run at least once in the last 15 years 75% of all film festivals were created in the last ten years 39% of film festivals only ever run once 71% of film festivals screen short films and 52% screen feature films
T HE B IG O NES Everybody is there! People are always very busy! Careers are being made. Big $ Sundance Berlin Cannes Venice Toronto.
2 ND TIER The second-type film festival seems really really similar to first-type festivals. Many of the first-type festival people are here, at the second-type festival, but they are dressed more casually. Local delegates to international delegates is the primary distinction between first and second- type film festivals.
S PECIALIZED F ESTIVALS The primary condition for a third-type film festival is some form of specialization. Terror Film Festival (Horror) The Chris Awards (Business) GreenCine (Online) HotDocs (Documentary) Ann Arbour (Experimental) Ottawa (Animation) One Take (films made in one shot) Feminale (Feminist)
R EGIONAL F ESTIVAL This type of festival is grass roots. Sometimes the head programmer is also the dude who runs the box office, picks up the five guests from the airport or bus station, and tends bar at the cocktail party. Often go off the beaten path in their films. Focus on local talent and in creating a film “scene” in their region.
Venice held the first major film festival in Cannes Film Festival Cannes Film Festival (1946) Facts about Cannes Cannes
Most film festivals require that new or relatively unknown filmmakers pay an entry fee to have their works considered for screening. Established filmmakers don't usually have to pay entry fees. Many smaller film festivals do not charge entry fees. However, acceptance of films is usually more limited, and such film festivals do not necessarily attract big names. Toronto has the largest amount of film festivals in the world
M AJOR F ILM F ESTIVALS Berlin Venice Paris Toronto Sundance Seattle Austin Montreal
O THER INTERESTING F ESTIVALS Zerofilm Festival – only festival for self-financed filmmakers. Fresh Film Festival – Film makers between (Limerick) Transcreen – Trans-gender film festival (Amsterdam) International Random Film Festival – randomly selected locations and films European Student Film Festival – Gruyere Peckham Free Film Festival – Free screenings around SE London Fake Film Festival – Vancouver Bring Your Own Film Festival - India