Specialized translation teaching methodology combining documentary research, corpus linguistics and terminology Mojca Pecman and Geneviève Bordet Paris.


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Presentation transcript:

Specialized translation teaching methodology combining documentary research, corpus linguistics and terminology Mojca Pecman and Geneviève Bordet Paris Diderot University , Sorbonne Paris Cité, CLILLAC-ARP EA 3967 F-75205, Paris, France Terminologija i specijalizirano prevođenje u službi međukulturne strukovne Komunikacij – August 22-23 2014 – University of Zadar

Outline 1 ESP and specialised translation: multiple skills 2 Creating semi-experts 3 Documentary research 4 Corpus linguistics 5 Terminology 6 Perspectives and conclusions

1. ESP and specialised translation (ST), multiple skills How to teach translation trainees to address specialised texts of quickly evolving subject fields? ➩ generally, there is no textbooks, no overall well established methodology ➩ the issue of LSP translation is located at the crossroad of many disciplines : terminology, translation, phraseology, linguistics, corpus linguistics, information research, communication sciences…

1. ESP and specialised translation (ST), multiple skills What are the features of LSP texts? ➩ terminology: e.g. tectonic plate, faulting, subduction ➩ neologisms: e.g. icequake

Earth crust (on the left) , ocean crust (on the right), ➩ admitted terminology: earthquake, Earth crust (on the left) , ocean crust (on the right), tectonic plates, continental plate, oceanic plate, faulting, subduction, etc. 1987 Edgecumbe earthquake in New Zeland ➩ neologism: icequake created by analogy to earthquake

1. ESP and specialised translation (ST), multiple skills What are the features of LSP texts? ➩ terminology: e.g. tectonic plate, faulting, subduction ➩ neologisms: e.g. icequake ➩ ad hoc formations: e.g. trapdoor fault, critically aligned through-going layer, forward-modelling study ➩ phraseology and collocations: e.g. earthquake/icequake occurs/occurred, to provide constraints, continental plates are more buoyant ➩ sentence builders, style and register: e.g. It is not the purpose of this paper to explain…, We further thank the anonymous reviewers for their very constructive comments…, ➩ discourse structure according to genre: e.g. IMRAD structure of scientific articles

1. ESP and specialised translation (ST), multiple skills What are the required skills of LSP translators? ➩ Knowledge of several languages Eg. at EILA, Paris Diderot: English, French and Spanish/German/Japanese/Chinese ➩ Knowledge of various specialized fields craft industries and popular sciences (eg. 3rd year EILA students) humanities hard sciences, state of the art technologies, engineering (eg. 4th and 5th year EILA students) Law (3rd to 5th year EILA students), business ➩ Knowledge of working methods translation methodologies, text analysis, documentary research, corpus linguistics, terminology, terminography, etc. - We do not teach buisness translation at Paris Diderot University

1. ESP and specialised translation (ST), multiple skills The context at EILA department of Paris Diderot Univ. ➩ Students 3rd year students in specialised translation Master 1 students in specialised translation Master 2 students in specialised translation Master ILTS (Industrie des Langues et Traduction Spécialisée) Department EILA (Etudes Interculturelles de Langues Appliquées) ➩ Teachers up to 7 teachers involved, with complementary teaching areas: translation practice and methodologies, documentary research or textual sources localisation, corpus linguistics, NLP, database management, terminology, terminography, phraseology, discourse analysis…

1. ESP and specialised translation (ST): multiple skills The context at EILA department of Paris Diderot Univ. ➩ Courses classical courses: e.g. grammar, civilisation, linguistics, translation methodologies, translation practice, etc. ST courses: terminology, corpus linguistics, documentary research, DB design, terminology & terminography ST workshops: translation project ➩ Teaching in progress Licence 3: free choice among craft industry and popular sciences Master 1: earth and planetary sciences (geology, volcanology, seismology, plate tectonics, glaciology, climatology…) Master 2: free choice among sciences (hard sciences, state of the art technologies, engineering or humanities)

2 “Creating” semi-experts The context at EILA department of Paris Diderot Univ. ➩ General scheme a text a to be translated term extraction from the text creation of a larger bilingual comparable corpus on the subject use of concordancers for conducting multiple language analysis selection of representative domain terminology creation of a domain tree diagram working in collaboration with domain experts creation of terminological records in ARTES database translation of the text Explain what means useful contexts GB : explain that a specialised domain is gradually determined starting from the text? Mojca Pecman – Univ. Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, CLILLAC-ARP EA 3967

2 “Creating” semi-experts ➩ example of an additional task accomplished by Master 1 students : poster design - select relevant concepts or aspects of the text and illustrate the collaboration between ST & EPS students (translators/domain experts) - tackle the problems of comprehension and/or of translation - find an appropriate title for the poster Ex. STEP & EILA: a collaboration without constraints Ex. Accent tectonique: ça passe ou ça casse Ex. STEP & EILA s’essaiement Ex. Seismic or aseismic: à qui la fault - prepare the oral presentation of the poster to visitors during exposition which takes place in February Earthquake swarm: A series of minor earthquakes, none of which may be identified as the main shock, occurring in a limited area and time. Tectonic accent: hit or miss Essaim : phonetic cognate of the verb aimer Whose fault is it ? fault and fault are homonymes

concepts explored : hybride earthquake, harmonic tremor

- CBL = conductive boundary layer

3 Documentary research Choice of a specialised field connected with the selected text Collection of three types of corpus: Popularisation Comparable corpus in source and target language Ice sheet, polar ice sheet, ice cap

4 Corpus linguistics tools WALL http://wall.eila.univ-paris- diderot.fr/dyn4/ ice sheet (ENG) ice cap (ENG) polar ice sheet (ENG) calotte glacière (FR) calotte de glace (FR) calotte polaire (FR) Ice sheet, polar ice sheet, ice cap

5 Terminology Design of tree diagrams

5 Terminology

5 Terminology Construction of terminological records within ARTES database

5 Terminology The type of lexical information stored in ARTES DB

5 Terminology The type of lexical information stored in ARTES DB

5 Terminology useful contexts (eg. the effects of volcanic eruption on climate, to be very significant, to be evaluated against something, ocean- atmosphere interactions, etc.)

5 Terminology collocations (eg. man-made greenhouse gases)

5 Terminology collocations (eg. man-made greenhouse gases)

5 Terminology domain-free phraseology (eg. there has been much recent interest in...)

5 Terminology evaluation and validation of the compiled data

5 Terminology https://artes.eila.univ-paris-diderot.fr user interface freely available online https://artes.eila.univ-paris-diderot.fr

6 Perspectives and conclusion ➩ ARTES database offers many perspectives for developing further research in terminology, terminography and LSP phraseology ➩ ST teaching methodology based on developing multiple skills: in documentary research, terminology, terminography, LSP phraseology, DB management, corpus linguistics, ontologies, etc. ➩ ARTES scheme provides various gates to lexis: genre, register, discourse, domain… relevant approach to lexis many perspectives for research and teaching

6 Perspectives and conclusion Documetary research Corpus linguistics ST many perspectives for research and teaching Terminology

Hvala na vašoj pozornosti! Specialized translation teaching methodology combining documentary research, corpus linguistics and terminology Mojca Pecman & Geneviève Bordet Paris Diderot University , Sorbonne Paris Cité, CLILLAC-ARP EA 3967 F-75205, Paris, France mpecman@eila.univ-paris-diderot.fr gbordet@eila.univ-paris-diderot.fr Terminologija i specijalizirano prevođenje u službi međukulturne strukovne Komunikacij – August 22-23 2014 – University of Zadar