The “beginning” refers to the state of the human race before sin. Through the power of God, Christ is calling us back to this original state THEOLOGY OF THE BODY
Man is alone with God. He is in God’s presence and able to communicate with God since God breathed in him, His life-giving spirit. The man knows that he is the only one that is human because he cannot relate to the animals. God also knows this, “It is not good for man to be alone.” (Gen 2:18) ORIGINAL SOLITUDE
The animals are made from the ground like man, but the breath of life is not given to the animals…man is meant for communion with someone else…but the “someone” else is not present. He knows this through his body. Adam realizes that he is made to be with someone but is also made for someone. This is revealed in the body.
John Paul II teaches that “it is not good for man to be alone” means it is not good because man cannot find out who he truly is unless he can give of himself.
God puts the man to sleep and forms the woman from his side. What is significant about the woman coming forth from his side? Woman is called to be man’s helper, to walk beside him, not to be manipulated by her (created from head) or be dominated by him (created from his heel) ORIGINAL UNITY
Adam united his body with Eve’s and they experience the original unity, a perfect union. The two become “one flesh.” Through the union of their bodies, they also unite their spirits. Man is body, mind and soul. ADAM REALIZES THAT THE WOMAN’S BODY IS LIKE HIS, YET DIFFERENT.
We have communicated something specific with our bodies. What does sex mean? Therefore whether intended to or not, sex unites body, mind and soul.
“I give my all to you.” This is why the meaning of sex fits best within a marriage, because one has already said this with their will and now is renewing that in their bodies. WHAT DOES SEX MEAN?
Original unity is the experience of men and women accepting one another as male and female and giving themselves freely to one another. ORIGINAL UNITY
Men should live out their masculine identity, they should be strong leaders. Woman should live out their feminine identity through relating and nurturing others. Men and woman are called to complement each other, not control or manipulate each other. A VOCATION TO UNITE DIFFERENCES
This is the experience of freedom in communication to the other. They had to be naked to be united. Adam and Eve were free from inner and outer restrictions. They experienced no barriers between their communication and life together. There were no barriers or problems in communication because there was no sin. ORIGINAL NAKEDNESS
Adam and Eve experience original nakedness and therefore freedom. “The man and his wife were both naked, yet they felt no shame.” – Gen 2:25 They were free to choose the good of the other.
Freedom – the power to choose the good License – the right to do whatever we want Do I have the right to do whatever I want? No, because this means that I have the right to choose evil. REAL FREEDOM
At first they did not feel shame (Gen 2:25), but after sin, they hid… “I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid myself” Gen 3:10. John Paul II has an amazingly positive view of sexual shame. He believes sexual shame can be good in the sense that it protects our purity and chastity. GEN 2:25
Sexual shame is a good because it protects us from sin and abuse. Through prayer, the sacraments, good relationships, and good choices, God wants us to go back to original solitude, unity, and nakedness. MORAL SHAME VS. SEXUAL SHAME…