UH Alumni Association Rewards Program 1
More members More activities Financial Incentives UHAA support and guidance 2 UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program How do the Chapters benefit?
Chapter handbook for guidance; Lokahi level activities and incentives; Foster relationships to develop build Ha’aheo members over the long term. 3 UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program More Members
What are other Chapters doing? What is working and does it increase membership, raise funds, raise awareness? How are the successful Chapters structured and how involved are they with the College or Dean? What will work for my Chapter and how will UHAA support us? 4 UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program More Activities
5 UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program Financial Incentives
Over 30 Partners Discounts for members include: – Insurance – Travel – Dining – Storage – UH Athletic eventsGo Warriors! 6 UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program Current Program
UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program Heinrich Witter Bullard Marketing 7 Review of current program Review and integrate current website Re-brand the new affinity program – We’re building a Cadillac, not a Yugo Mobile Application Affinity Credit Card
UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program Re-Branding 8
UHAA is working to develop a mobile app for all members; The App will be a platform for Partners to pass along discount “coupons”; And for Chapter’s to communicate with their membership. 11 UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program Mobile App
12 UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program Affinity Credit Card Current agreement expires at the end of 2013; UHAA and HWB have met with Athletics to discuss expanding the program to the entire UH Alumni Association; UH Alumni Association – Rewards Program hopes to utilize the affinity credit card as a membership card as well.
13 UH Alumni Assoc. – Rewards Program Summary