Fashion Merchandising By: Breahna Artis
Title of Occupation Fashion Merchandising
Definition of Fashion Merchandising promotion of apparel sales and involves all of the tasks necessary to deliver the clothing requests and meet the needs of potential customers and designers
Education&Training Associate or a Bachelor's degree in fashion design. Fashion merchandising is a broad industry that requires a strong sense of style and trends, in addition to business training. A successful career in fashion merchandising begins with formal training at a fashion merchandising school, and obtaining a fashion merchandising degree can open up many opportunities in this diverse field. Students attending a fashion merchandising college can learn about industry trends, marketing, event planning, and product development. Most fashion merchandising students choose careers in a management role or working with major apparel manufacturers and designers. Some may choose to own and operate a boutique of their own.
Main duties and responsibilities, nature of work, working conditions Fashion designers create the styles of clothing, shoes and accessories that are available for shoppers to purchase in retail stores. Although the fashion designer's job may appear glamorous in the movies and on television, these professionals work very hard and often put in many long hours. Fashion designers study the current and future fashion trends, work with various colors and fabrics, create sketches of future designs and manage the final sample productions of their designs. Fashion designers may choose to concentrate in a particular area of the industry, such as children's clothing, shoes or jewelry.
Qualifications for job (such as licensing, certifications, etc.)
Wage&Salary Salary Range: $30,000 to $100,000+ Entry level pay may range from $30,000 to $40,000 Experienced may range from $40,000 to $60,000 Top level pay may range from $70,000 to $100,000
Employment Outlook Fashion merchandising is a very fast-paced and hands-on career. The fashion merchandising career outlook for new and prospective students looks good compared to many other fashion career choices. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the number of jobs in fashion merchandising are going to be stable in the near future. The nature of those jobs may change, because of the influx of couture fashion websites, but there will always be a need for someone with a keen eye and experience on the sales floor in brick-and-mortar establishments. Salaries vary according to experience and area of expertise. There are certain areas of fashion merchandising that require a certificate, associates or bachelor's degree. Most jobs that once required only on-the-job-training are now looking for merchandisers with previous experience and schooling. The fashion merchandiser career outlook is much better than many of the other artistic and business opportunities around. While the work is normally very fast-paced, with new items and designers coming into style every season or more often, it can be very satisfying for someone with an interest in the field.
Opportunities for advancement When it comes to career advancement, climbing the ladder to success can sometimes be a very difficult struggle. The best way to better your career advancement opportunities and beat out your rivals is to not only work hard but also do some serious planning and preparation. During the average persons working career, they make between six and ten job or career changes, so a career advancement plan is definitely necessary. You have to pursue job advancement in your career and this starts by making your employer aware of your interest in furthering your career or position. Many career advancement experts believe that the most suitable time for pursuing a new job or career advancement is while you are gainfully employed but find your present position unchallenging. You can start by seeking a higher-level promotion within the company, or if there are no career advancement opportunities available where you work, you need to look elsewhere for them.
Specific jobs in the field and places where people in this occupation might work Art Institues, Colleges, and other fashion design schools.