Chapter 19.3 The War In The West February 1862 – Gen. Ulysses S. Grant was given orders from Pres. Lincoln… Take control of the Mississippi River. Why? – The Union could cut the Confederacy in half » East VA, NC, SC, TN, MS, AL,GA, and FL » West TX, AR, and LA
Why was this important? If the North controlled the Mississippi River – The Eastern States could not get supplies No troops from Texas and Louisiana No food: – Texas » Beef and corn – Arkansas » Corn and Wheat – Louisiana » Fresh Fish
The Union’s Plan to Capture the West Gen. Grant would come from the North – Through Kentucky and Tennessee Capture states from Confederate rebels and move on to Mississippi River Admiral David Farragut – Use the U.S. Navy and capture New Orleans Then move up the Mississippi River to meet with Grant.
General Grant almost get beat… Grant swiftly moved through North to mouth of Mississippi River and Tennessee River – April 6, 1862 Grant ordered to wait for reinforcements – Confederates used this opportunity to attack… – At a little church named Shiloh…
Battle of Shiloh, Day 1 Gen. Grant – Had about 50,000 troops Gen. Sidney Johnson – Had about 45,000 Confederate troops Goal: move Grant’s army back north away from Mississippi River. – Things were looking good for Confederates, Until Gen. Johnson gets killed…
Battle of Shiloh, Day 2 Reinforcements show up for Gen. Grant – Union Army drives Confederates away from battlefield. – Casualties: Union – 13,000 Confederates - 10,700 Confederates knew they couldn’t afford more losses…so they retreat.
Admiral Farragut makes his move Adm. Farragut had orders to capture New Orleans, LA. – Problem: Confederate fort outside of New Orleans was too strong… – Farragut was losing too many ships. – What can you do?
A Thief in the Night… April 24, 1862 – Adm. Farragut orders his ships to “run silent” after midnight to sneak pass the fort. IT WORKS!! April 29, 1862 – Farragut captures New Orleans, LA. Now Union controls the mouth of the Mississippi and the Northern part of river. Now, its time to meet up with Gen. Grant.
Battle of Vicksburg, Mississippi Gen. Grant – 77,000 troops GOAL: Take fortified city of Vicksburg by force… Gen. John C. Pemberton – 33,000 troops Well fortified on top of cliffs – Had artillery to destroy anything that might try to get up the cliff.
The Battle of Vicksburg turns into the Siege of Vicksburg Gen. Grant tried 4 times to make it up the cliffs – Lost 22,000 troops Used the 50,000 left to set up defense around the city – GOAL: Let nothing in, let nothing out. Called a siege – Within 6 weeks, Vicksburg was out of food…
City of Vicksburg, 1862
By end of 1 st week, half of town lives in tents…no homes.
End of 2 nd week, they build cave homes
The New Vicksburg
The Confederates Surrender Vicksburg 4 th of July, 1863 – Gen. Pemberton surrenders Vicksburg, MS. – Union now controls the Mississippi River. – This is a major blow to the Confederacy. Then Pres. Lincoln does something that hurts even worse…
September 22,1862 With news of major victories in East and West, – Pres. Lincoln makes his strongest move as Commander in Chief – He orders that all slaves in the Confederate states be freed as of Jan. 1, Called the Emancipation Proclamation
Significance of Emancipation Proclamation Gave slaves in south reason to runaway – Just had to find Union Army and they were protected! Confederacy loses their workforce! – Now they can’t farm cotton! How will they make money to fund the war?? Slaves will want to fight for the North! – Have a chance at revenge! Called contrabands
The War Wages on…but the Union has the Upper Hand.