TODAY IN ALGEBRA… Last minute questions Mid. Ch. 6 Test Today! Learning Goal: 6.5 You will solve Absolute Value Equations Independent Practice
MID CHAPTER 6 TEST You have up to 1 hour to complete your test. Are you prepared? Pencil? Calculator? NO notes allowed If you finish early: Finish any missing assignments. Work on something quietly as the rest of your fellow classmates complete their quizzes. NO TALKING. STAY IN YOUR SEATS. RETURN ANY BORROWED BOOKS & CALCULATORS
Solving ABSOLUTE VALUE EQUATIONS will always have 2 answers!!!
HOMEWORK #5: Pg. 393: 3-31 odd If finished, work on other assignments: HW #1: Pg. 359: 1-9, even, 24-26, 28, 31 HW #2: Pg. 366: 1-14, HW #3: Pg. 372: 4-28 even, 29-32, 34 HW #4: Pg. 384: 3-6, even, 24