Protocols for adding an event FieldWhatExample Text TitleClear title for students, should contain employer if employer run, should contain restriction of student Professionalism in the workplace – KPMG – Business School Students Only Negotiation skills SummaryProvide a brief overview of what the event is about DetailsProvide a detailed overview of what the event is about include link to campus map streathammap/ streathammap/ VenueWhere the event is to be held, please include campus first, then buiding, then room Streatham Campus – Queen’s – Cluster Room M Cornwall Campus – Daphne Du Maurier – Room 1 LabelAdd a label for management information. A team label is reqd for all events. An additional label is required for certain events. A session needs a label and an alumni / employer session needs a label. Event typeFollow the guidance on choosing an event type, these will be used for student searching, for the EA and LA and for management info. DisciplineIf you select a discipline ensure you include Flexible Combined Honours
Event Types Event TypeCounts Towards... Labels for MI Guidance / Examples Employer / Alumni sessionEA – optionsTeam Employer This type must be used for employer / alumni skills sessions or presentations with the appropriate additional labels given for MI. This includes employer CVs/applications due to the way the event types map to the Exeter Award. Exceptions are employer / alumni led sessions on interview skills, insight into a profession, panel discussions, business games, commercial awareness, sustainability and corporate social responsibility which have their own event type. CV and job application skillsEA – cv / application TeamFocus on CVs, effective applications. University staff led sessions only. Interview skillsEA – optionsTeam Employer Focus on interviews, interview techniques Skills for the workplace – personal development EA – pers. dev.TeamTo include negotiating, teamwork, presentation skills, personal and professional development in the workplace, professionalism in the workplace, workplace ethics and culture (must be 2hrs min. as this maps to the Exeter Award) Skills for the workplace – other training EA - optionsTeamHealth and safety, british sign language, first aid, preparing for work experience (personal development sessions that are shorter than 2 hrs) Understanding psychometric testing LA mock interview / psychometric Team
Event Types Continued... Event TypeCounts Towards... Labels for MIGuidance / Examples Understanding assessment centres EA – optionsTeam Insight into a professionEA – optionsTeam Employer Career planning – compulsory talks N/ATeam College General careers & employability introductory talks, eg s Include a college label if the session is being provided by EGD staff as part of a time allocation for a specific college. Career and work experience options EA – optionsTeamWhat to do with a degree in, what jobs would suit me, working abroad, searching for internships, applying for a summer vacation scheme, job hunting eXfactorEA – optionsTeameXfactor only Leadership skillsLA – leadership TeamMust be 2 hrs min. as this maps to the Leaders Award. Shorter sessions list under ‘Skills for the workplace – other’ unless delivered by an employer in which case ‘Employer / Alumni session’ Managing peopleLA – managing people TeamMust be 2 hrs min. as this maps to the Leaders Award. Shorter sessions list under ‘Skills for the workplace – other’ unless delivered by an employer in which case ‘Employer / Alumni session’ Corporate social resonsibility LA – CSR/Sus/CA/P M Team Employer Uni staff or employer sessions
Event Types Continued... Event TypeCounts Towards...Labels for MI Guidance / Examples Commercial awarenessLA – CSR/Sus/CA/PM Team Employer Uni staff or employer led sessions SustainabilityLA – CSR/Sus/CA/PM Team Employer Uni staff or employer led sessions Careers/jobs fairs and employer drop ins N/ATeam Employer Careers fairs, virtual careers fairs, P/T jobs fairs, employer drop ins Panel discussionEA – optionsTeam Employer Staff / employer / alumni panels Business gameEA – optionsTeam Employer Xing, KPMG business games, Exeter Apprentice. Staff or employer led Employer mock interviewLA – mock interview / psychometric Team The Interview ExperienceEA – TIEOnly for the final part of the Exeter Award Leaders Award presentation LA – presentationOnly for the final part of the Leaders Award Other events (counting to Exeter Award) EA – optionsTeam Employer Only to be used where there is no other option available Other events (not counting to Exeter Award) N/ATeam Employer Only to be used where there is no other option available
Event Types Continued... Event TypeCounts Towards...Labels for MI Guidance / Examples Researcher development (PGR) N/ATeamTo be used for researcher development events only Researcher development (ECRS) N/ATeamTo be used for researcher development events only
The labels are... TeamType Careers consultantEmployer presentation Information teamEmployer skills session WRLAlumni presentation ESTAlumni skills session InternationalNetworking event DARO3-2-1s session Guild Business School LES SSIS HUMS EMPS